
Filled up wife's Bronco today. 3.149 per gallon!! I tend to "hoard"certain items. Gas, diesel, Lp, powder, primers. Never seem to hoard money though😁
gas shot up $.17/gal here since Monday. Back to $3.95/gal

Guess tapping into the reserves and allowing more ethanol blend is really working well to lower the price at the pump..........NOT!!!
100%, brandon wants it to look like he's trying to help. we'll be at $5+ this summer when demand increases.

november can't get here soon enough but it's going to take another 5 years to undo everything he has effed up.
Won't take that long. My truck has to have Premium. I paid $4.50 this morning in one of the cheapest areas of the country.
PA $ 4.18 in WORTHINGTON PA AMERICAN STATION { owner is very anti BIDEN ] at least 40 cents cheaper Buddy in LAS VEGAS YESTERDAY GAS $4,88cash credit card over $5