This is actually a pretty complicated and convoluted question to answer.
The short answer is I have them in a dozen calibers or so and I have come to prefer a standard die for hunting applications.
Does the bushing size die create more accurate ammunition? Not in my experience.
I don't like the bushing die because it can not size the entire neck so it ultimately encourages a "dread doughnut" which is absolutely detrimental to accuracy. The way around this is neck turning or reaming, but this opens another can of worms in a non neck turn chamber. In other words the bushing die takes you down the bench rest road whether you want it or not, whether your rifle is set up for it or not, and whether you need or benefit from it or not.
The real purpose of the bushing die is to adjust for clearance cut by neck turning/tight neck chambers. Well....I have been down the road of a tight neck chamber and saw zero increase in accuracy. I admit and understand that at the benchrest level neck turning and tight chambers are part of the game, but any potential increase would be so small as to be of no use to a long range hunter.
I am skimming over some finer points, but those are the broad brush strokes of my experience.
If you want a little looser neck die Forster will cut it to your specs for $10.00 over the regular die cost. Once you get the neck tension right you can abandon the expander/decapper..A big upside.
Redding will do this as well, but they are a little more expensive.
You can also send them 3 fired cases and they will make a die to suite with the neck to your specifications.
This is what I do.
Is the Redding Micrometer seating die worth the money? I think so.
There are several compelling details within your response. Obviously every avenue should be explored to reduce the errors associated with long range hunting. Possessing the ability and experience to consistently reload accurate hunting ammunition is undoubtedly one of them. To what end should one consider the precision of a particular long range hunting rifle/ammo combination as acceptable? The answer will ultimately lie within each of us. I definitely have the interest to compare the results of a Forster FL die to a Redding neck sizing die in one of my chambers.