Well-Known Member
I have a 30 inch 300 RUM, and a new "club" where I can actually shoot it for the first time in about 6 years. I relocated about 2000 miles and the "club" is newish. It would be a hoot to see how fast I can make it go. It's bench rest setup and it never occurred to me to give "speed" a go with it.
Elevation would have to be another thing to standardize on. DA, density altitude, effects actual trajectory significantly but if allowed to be manipulated... That is why submissions would need some validation.
If you wish to see something really fast -
300 RUM, 30-06 and 308 with sabot 22 caliber loads. The 300 RUM 52 grain has broken 5,300 fps and the 30-06 52 grain has broken 5,000 fps.