First shot - clean bore

Thanks Encore, that's sage advise I will take. I'm kinda fussy about clean in that I don't like to submit my firearms to wet and then not care fro then PDQ. If it isn't raining or snowing, I won't worry so much. I have left a stainless barrel loaded for two weeks and that didn't hurt it. That was pyrdex pellets,too. Frontiregander said a good thing too: running a dry patch or two sounds like a good procedure before a long while to shoot again. Still fouled, but not so much as to attract more than normal moisture. Thanks guys.
Thanks Encore, that's sage advise I will take. I'm kinda fussy about clean in that I don't like to submit my firearms to wet and then not care fro then PDQ. If it isn't raining or snowing, I won't worry so much. I have left a stainless barrel loaded for two weeks and that didn't hurt it. That was pyrdex pellets,too. Frontiregander said a good thing too: running a dry patch or two sounds like a good procedure before a long while to shoot again. Still fouled, but not so much as to attract more than normal moisture. Thanks guys.

I advise you to go out and shoot your gun and know your gun well, even if you foul it and then run a couple dry patches through it you can change point of impact, I have seen that happen. Try it and see how it works for your gun. I'm just real curious with the ease of cleaning BH209, i'm wondering if anyone has tested groups with throughly cleaning between shots? If the groups are tight then we could dial our scopes in for these groups and not have to worry about having to foul the barrel before a hunt or leaving it fouled, definitley something i'm going to have to test. And like Encore said if you are shooting shorter ranges then the degree of accuracy and change in POI between shots will not be a big deal between a fouled or not fouled barrel. Especially with the consistency of BH209.
I'm just real curious with the ease of cleaning BH209, i'm wondering if anyone has tested groups with throughly cleaning between shots? If the groups are tight then we could dial our scopes in for these groups and not have to worry about having to foul the barrel before a hunt or leaving it fouled, definitley something i'm going to have to test.

Brand new T/C Omega. Decided to try BH209. Use T7 in my Traditions muzzleloader. So started out working up a load. Started at 85grains and worked up to 115. Fired 2 shots at 85 to get on paper. Then proceeded to fire 3 shot groups at each powder measure in 5grain increments. Before each 3 shot group I removed breech plug and pulled a boresnake with a couple squirts of Hoppes #9 on it, twice. Barrel was sparkling before I started each 3 shot group. At 100gr and 105 gr the first 2 shots touched and then 3rd shot was right next to it. This was all with clean barrel. End results were 100gr was 1 1/2" group and 105gr was 1 1/4" group. And distance I was shooting was 100yds off sand bags.
T7 would never give me that kind of consistency with a clean barrel. 2nd and 3rd shots would always be about 6 inches away from 1st shot. So gotta say I love this BH209. Too bad I can't shoot in my Traditions because of breech plug.
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