Clean bore vs dirty way off?!?

Another vote for Blackhorn 209.
Have a Knight disc that was giving me fits and then tried the BH and it helped alot. I would get alot of resistance while loading the 2nd and subsequent shots, to the point of cleaning with solvent on the range. Now with BH I can shoot for groups and then clean with solvent to confirm cold/clean bore shots...same POI as when ten shots are through it.
May I ask how you coat your barrels with it?

First do a white metal cleaning to allow the molly to adhere.

Then I spray it down the barrel and use a bore brush to distribute and smooth it out before it dries. After it dries I burnish it with the same bore brush and patch the bore to remove and loose Molly.

It ends up looking very shinny like it was Lapped. This coating/finish holds up real well and will increase velocity (A side benefit ).

As Lotec mentioned, A patch ball will help, but I have found round balls
ineffective on game because the entrance and exit holes will close up and leave very little if any blood trail.

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