First Shots out of Savage

Regardless of smokeless powder or BH209, I'd recommend the Barnes bullet also. There's a choice and if the barrel on that Savage is tight, then the T-EZ bullet/sabot would load easier. I've shot Barnes for years and won't shoot anything else. Other than the polymer tip, they retain their weight, won't fragment and are 100% consistent and reliable. Muzzleloader | Barnes Bullets

If one prefers or by requirement to use a bullet w/o a sabot, then the Thor is a top of the line bullet, also built off the Barnes platform:

Pictured groups should be much tighter..... gun)
Interestingly, the PR's worked better in my associates CVA than the Thor's did. I can't say from experience because all I shoot is the Barnes. Kinda reminds me of a plastic tipped supposotory......:D
The reason for using smokeless over BH209 or Whiteshots is easy of or lack of cleaning. Call me lazy but there is vertially little to no cleaning involved with smokeless. As a matter of fact most of the smokeless guns seem to prefer to be shot fouled.
The reason for using smokeless over BH209 or Whiteshots is easy of or lack of cleaning. Call me lazy but there is vertially little to no cleaning involved with smokeless. As a matter of fact most of the smokeless guns seem to prefer to be shot fouled.

I'd say they're about equal, short of maybe the breech plug. You clean BH209 with the same thing you clean a centerfire with...... Hoppe's.

My Pro Hunter and al my previous Encore platform rifles, all shot better once fouled. I foul it on Nov. 14th with two rounds and it could stay loaded until Jan. 1st, unless I tag out.
Myself, I have no issues cleaning after Western Blackhorn. It isn't like the old days where you took your smoke pole into the shower with

+1 on Hoppes or foaming CVA bore cleaner and a patch. I can get about 5 or 6 puffs before things feel like it's getting tight with the Barnes TMZ's.

I have kicked around using a slow burning powder like H1000 or Retumbo but I don't want to play with unknown burn rates.

I have a bunch of H1000 and Retumbo on hand for the big bore centerfires, actually too much (if having too much isn't really all that bad today). Again, not knowing relative burn rates between 209 and the 2, I don't want to have an issue.
Congrats on your new Savage. Ive had mine for about 6 years now. ml ll ss thumbhole. it was a pleasure working up loads for this gun. I went through eight different powder choices and bullets. before settling on vitvouri n-120 with barnes 300 grn ss and harvester black crush sabots. great ignition. last year downed a buck at 349. this year 412 yds. I have a 3x10x40 burris sig select.. love the gun.......I remeber when I first got it, loaded it up and shot at a hundred yds without the scope. and was blowing up coke cans.. I knew i had an accurate gun right out of the box. good luck
I think it would be very hard to get the Thor or PR on par compared to a 275 Parker match hunter shot sabotless from a 45 cal PacNor barrel.

Go to Doug's Message Board to speed you learning curve with smokeless ML.
Not sure how long your waiting between shots, but I'll bet that if you use a cooling rod or wait 10min or do between shots your group will shrink
I think it would be very hard to get the Thor or PR on par compared to a 275 Parker match hunter shot sabotless from a 45 cal PacNor barrel.

Go to Doug's Message Board to speed you learning curve with smokeless ML.

FYI, my 'learning curve' is just fine.
If thats the case (breech plug and 209 ignition), why not Barnes TMZ's (ballistic tipped pills with sabots included) in various diameters and 100 grains of Western 209 or IMR White Hots.

I must be missing something because I don't comprehend why you'd play with different powders (and burn rates) when there is a very accurate off the shelf combination.

The only 'fly in the ointment' I see is the breech plug must be a recessed (read counterbored) plug so the 209 is sequestered in the cavity of the plug itself to insure a complete burn.

Maybe I am missing something or maybe I need to go buy a Savage and play with it. I have numerous Savages in centerfire calibers. I just never considered a Savage as a viable off the shelf 'front stuffer' (I like that term btw) when the Bergara barreled CVA was available, not to say that mine and (my associates) isn't modified. I modified both rifles prior to ever firing them in the interest of breech face erosion from primer wash.

The only reason my shooting associate is using The PR's is because of the restriction on plastic sabots in some western states. Otherwise, he'd be launching the Barnes as well.

More curious than anything I guess.

separate statement you admit to "missing something" and "don't comprehend" so maybe you have a longer curve than you think?
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