Well-Known Member
I agree. The more options there are, the better.
I think we finally stumbled onto the core issue. Broz is an expert in the ways of SFP. It's what he's comfortable with, and can get it done in any situation with SFP optics. It's tried, proven, and effective. I too can make a SFP optic do what ever I would need to get the shot done.
This is great! So, since your proposing a solid case for ffp and conceding a point that sfp will also work, we have 2 winners - all good things.
Keep one thing in mind. It's very frustrating to listen to people claim a certain thing doesn't work well, when I and many others have seen it work well for years. I'm not saying SFP doesn't work. I'm simply opposing those claiming FFP doesn't work. It does, and it works quite well. For some, it works better.
I like your point - for some it works better. For others, maybe they didn't like that "flavor" - some like vanilla some like strawberry.
Think about that for a second. If you are using something, and it works great, and others claim it doesn't work... what conclusions could you draw?
1) They don't know how to use it.
2) Theirs is broken, or not the right one.
3) It works, but they simply don't "prefer it" and will claim it doesn't work anyway, for various reasons.
Condemnation is never a good thing. Innovation - it's a difficult thing. Attempting the latter and avoiding the former is nearly impossible....
If people have used FFP optics, and don't like it. I'm fine with that.
It's when they start claiming that FFP optics can't get it done as well as SFP. That's when I have a problem.
One thing that has been good for me to keep in mind during negotiations is trying to remember to not make (or take) criticisms personally. If someone has a disagreement about whatever i'm supporting, i try to learn and understand what they believe about my position. Then I try to clarify any factual misunderstandings through dialogue. If what i'm supporting still doesn't work for them (or they have another perfectly viable solution), i just let the matter go - argument rarely (if ever) changes a persons opinions/beliefs.