
Ever try on Cocobolo? I got a blank or two to try it on. Haven't heard from you yet Joel??


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Ever try on Cocobolo? I got a blank or two to try it on. Haven't heard from you yet Joel??

Cocobolo is very dense and finishes very well. there is one downside to it though, It is toxic when sanded and a respirator should be used and good ventilation should be available.

In most cases, it has a density over 1,0 and is heavier than water and will sink (Very heavy)

I use a lot for Custom Knifes, and believe me this stuff can/will make you sick. there are other toxic
woods and Ill bet that Joel can list them.

If looks great and is worth the effort as long as you use breathing protection.

Cocobolo is very dense and finishes very well. there is one downside to it though, It is toxic when sanded and a respirator should be used and good ventilation should be available.

In most cases, it has a density over 1,0 and is heavier than water and will sink (Very heavy)

I use a lot for Custom Knifes, and believe me this stuff can/will make you sick. there are other toxic
woods and Ill bet that Joel can list them.

If looks great and is worth the effort as long as you use breathing protection.


Cocobolo, Makore, and Lacewood are just a few that have made my lungs burn...

Juglans Regia is the wood of choice

Absolutely agree.
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