Those that question the accuracy of the Wheeler have a valid concern. Myself having access to a plethora of metrology equipment has afforded me the opportunity to test a handful of them. In short, they are never repeatable, being when on the same setting they will test differently every time. The ones I tested would be anywhere from 2 to 8 inlb from the targeted setting. This came about when some friends of mine had some issues over tightening a pic rail and came to me to repair the action. I personally us a Snap On inlb wrench with the clock face dial. I also have Fix It sticks I carry in my pack, and tested mine and a few others. They are pretty darn good. I can get them to test the same each time, however, they may not be exactly the advertised spec, but are always less than 1.3 percent which is small. Technique is a factor when using a torque wrench as well.