I did pheasant hunting in North Dakota one year when the brush was taller than my waist. By noon I could not lift my legs up. I prefer quail hunts in South Texas, except for the rattlersAn old guy at the gun counter the other day was telling me about the joys of hunting pheasants with a 28. We don't have them where I live but in the south of the province they sure do. When I mentioned I've got family less than an hours drive north of the North Dakota/Saskatchewan border he gave me heck for not going down there and hunting pheasants haha, he said
"Listen to me son, if you've never been on a pheasant hunt with a good bird dog and a 28 gauge, you've never really lived"
Perhaps I'll just take his word on that and not find out for myself only to end up falling in love with another interest I don't have time or money for!
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