Well-Known Member
Well, I guess my line of 416 Rigby Improved wildcats are also unique. I own all the reamers and I just named them as xxx-416 Rigby Improved 30°, 35°, 40° & 45°. The first prototype with 30° shoulder has been dropped and the rest are all works in progress, the 30 cal 35° will most likely be re-designed for a 40° shoulder when this barrel is toast (No 2 barrel now), and the 338 cal will stay the same at 45°, while the 375 cal will be increased from 35° to 40°. Throats on all will also be altered in the future.My wildcats .30 LARA and .338 Thor. I own the reamers, so there's only 1 .30 LARA and 2 .338 Thor (a friend/LRH Brother built one with my reamer).
I am also tinkering with the idea of using the 33/37 XC case as a starting point for more wildcats, but just thinking at this point.