I remember when my wife and I were young and just married we swore to each other that if either of us proposed buying a van in the future the other would slap them haha. But now we have four kids five and under. And we love our loser cruiser! Or more so, nothing else could do what it does.
We did have a large SUV for a while AND I AM TOTALLY OVER THOSE! They suck! They're trying to be capable of what a truck can do and a van can do and they're not really capable of equaling either for their respective purposes. Our former SUV got the same mileage as my dads 3/4 ton without being able to anything it could do besides drive, could not carry as many people and their stuff nearly as comfortably as our van does, and cost more to put plates on than either!
Plus if you've even had twins in car seats y'all know how BLESSED it is to have sliding doors in parking lots….