I road my 4 wheeler out of the swamp fom hog hunting one night in the pouring rain. I put my bow on top of my dog box then loaded the 4 wheeler on my trailer and tied it down. When I got home and reached in my back seat to get my bow it wasn't there. Uh,oh, I found it, or pieces of it I should say, scattered all over the highway where it had fallen off my dog box and apparently been run over several times. Somehow the sight had survived. But that was all that was salvageable. I had had that bow less than a month.
As far as guns, my little snubnose 38 has been temporarily lost a time or two. Usually in a rod or storage box on my boat.
As far as guns, my little snubnose 38 has been temporarily lost a time or two. Usually in a rod or storage box on my boat.