Empty AR15 receiver...What upper should I buy or build for a 300 yard deer AR?

They will be close. If it's steel wolf it will be good.
Then if need be rezero with hammers and go. Hammer are much faster than the wolf.
If you need more I have a box or two of wolf and a few boxes eld 123 I don't plan on using.
They will be close. If it's steel wolf it will be good.
Then if need be rezero with hammers and go. Hammer are much faster than the wolf.
If you need more I have a box or two of wolf and a few boxes eld 123 I don't plan on using.
Let me get out of new guy jail on the site and I will definitely take you up on that. My plan is to get a BCA upper. I will swap the barrel if I cant get good accuracy out of it.
Greetings Gents,

While its the off season for big game hunting, I intend to either buy or have built an AR15 upper that will reliably take deer out to 300 yards. Zeroed for max point blank range and hold over for those last few yards.

Share your experiences if you have such a rig built and share your longest kill. Show your rig to if you dont mind. Will give me some ideas.

So , final answer is....
I have AA2520, 748, 4064, Varget, N540. I could see the Hammer working, especially if they group close to the steel case ammo I plan on practicing with.
Varget should work.


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Man this has been a great thread! I also want to build a new upper with the primary purpose being shooting steel out to 600 yards, secondary as a yote killer, and lastly, potentially a hog killer since a buddy and I keep talking about finding a place to go on a hog hunt. I had built an AR-10 in 6.5 Creedmoor for this purpose but that thing is so dang heavy I never want to take it out so I plan to sell it and get something nearly as capable but in the AR-15 platform.

I had originally thought the 6 ARC might be a good fit and it probably would do the job even on hogs, but you guys have all but sold me on the grendel, which would likely get an 18" barrel. I'm also intrigued by the various .223 case wildcats such as the 6x45 and really a 6.5 wildcat using the 223 case. I have 1000 .223 cases on order from Starline and using a couple hundred of those for a new wildcat is tempting.
Man this has been a great thread! I also want to build a new upper with the primary purpose being shooting steel out to 600 yards, secondary as a yote killer, and lastly, potentially a hog killer since a buddy and I keep talking about finding a place to go on a hog hunt. I had built an AR-10 in 6.5 Creedmoor for this purpose but that thing is so dang heavy I never want to take it out so I plan to sell it and get something nearly as capable but in the AR-15 platform.

I had originally thought the 6 ARC might be a good fit and it probably would do the job even on hogs, but you guys have all but sold me on the grendel, which would likely get an 18" barrel. I'm also intrigued by the various .223 case wildcats such as the 6x45 and really a 6.5 wildcat using the 223 case. I have 1000 .223 cases on order from Starline and using a couple hundred of those for a new wildcat is tempting.
I'd really recommend a Grendel if you want to do 6.5 in an AR. Larger case capacity and shorter case length than the 223 means it makes much more sense. The Grendel already struggles with fitting into mag length as is.
Just my personal experience side notes.

1) I started with an 18" barrel (I don't remember what brand) the results were poor accuracy - 2" groups at 100. To be fair that was with factory Hornady SST ammo and I didn't chase it with my own loads. But, when I switched to the 20" 5R barrel it really changed things. This rifle will out shoot me for sure!

2) I found 8208XBR to be the best powder (that I have tried) for accuracy and speed, every little bit counts with this cartridge. I run Hornady brass, Hornady 123gr SST's, 8208XBR & CCI Primers - Bullets set out to longest mag length possible. This combo has been the best I've found for me.

Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck & Safe shooting!
Just my personal experience side notes.

1) I started with an 18" barrel (I don't remember what brand) the results were poor accuracy - 2" groups at 100. To be fair that was with factory Hornady SST ammo and I didn't chase it with my own loads. But, when I switched to the 20" 5R barrel it really changed things. This rifle will out shoot me for sure!

2) I found 8208XBR to be the best powder (that I have tried) for accuracy and speed, every little bit counts with this cartridge. I run Hornady brass, Hornady 123gr SST's, 8208XBR & CCI Primers - Bullets set out to longest mag length possible. This combo has been the best I've found for me.

Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck & Safe shooting!
Barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy.
It's about velocity. So if you are looking at a target and hogs the 6mm arc is gonna be tonight to beat with a factory case. But to take advantage of the smaller bore to case you want a longer barrel say 24" makes it less handy. But the 6.5 larger bore means you can get same speed from shorter barrel with same weight bullets. Or more speed in same length barrel with same weight. Since ar's are are mainly for handy use the shorter barrel seems to be the ticket no more than 20" and at that length the Grendel with a larger bore to case wins for me.

I had originally thought the 6 ARC might be a good fit and it probably would do the job even on hogs, but you guys have all but sold me on the grendel, which would likely get an 18" barrel. I'm also intrigued by the various .223 case wildcats such as the 6x45 and really a 6.5 wildcat using the 223 case. I have 1000 .223 cases on order from Starline and using a couple hundred of those for a new wildcat is tempting.

I have already been down the path you are on. I currently own 6.5G, 6.8SPC, 5.56, and others.

I have seriously looked at the 6mm Hagar, 22-NXS, 257 Bobcat, various 6mm and .257x6.8's, and some others.

The thing people often overlook when they start down this path are the effects of the larger case head size effect on bolts. If you run a Grendel, bolt quality really matters. The 6.8SPC can also have bolt issues when you go cheap but, in my case, I am 100% on ARP bolts which have superior steel in them and I have had no issues so far.

In the end, the .223/5.56 case options give me ~98% of the other options for significantly less cost, assuming you stay with more 'mainstream' options.

The 257 Bobcat offers a lot of extra velocity for 10gr additional propellant charge weight but, a bolt and barrel is ~$700. The 6.8SPC wildcats are a whole lot easier to make and barrel and bolt costs are close enough to .223/5.556 options to not steer me to or away from them.

What I don't like about the 6.8SPC in an AR-15 has to do with how they fit the AR-15 magazines! Is it a deal killer, no not really but certainly less than ideal! I run hot and cold with bullet options in this caliber for performance and cost. My "hog" loads DO NOT WORK WELL ON COYOTES OR DOGS!

The .223/5.56 based 6mm Mongoose or 257 Ocelot both fit magazines much better IMHO. 5.56 cases are cheap and plentiful so no scrounging tall grass trying to find expensive cases with a lot of labor in them! To get a full powder burn with common loads, the Mongoose needs a 22" barrel and the Ocelot only needs an 18" barrel.

The .257x6.8SPC options will give me ~150FPS in the weights I will shoot it over a 257 Ocelot for what real gain? Ocelot - Better magazine loading and cheaper brass combined with a more efficient powder burn yielding 3000~3100FPS so, while not the fastest on the block and most brag-worthy, it will do everything I need with an easy trim and fireform.

The 6x45 is another solid option if that is the bore size and payload you want for your targets. Its strong recommendation is what got me to the Ocelot. Be sure to check out the 6mm Mongoose on the MDWS forum if you are thinking about the 6x45! For me, the toss-up would be between the Mongoose and 6mm Hagar from WOA.
I have both a 6.8 and a 6.5 Grendel. Out to 300 yds they are what for what. The 6.8 can be pushed a little harder do to the smaller bolt face and higher saami pressure. My 16" 6.8 is faster than my 18" Grendel. You also have the Barnes 95 gr and the Nosler 100,110 Accubond which were specifically made for the 6.8. If you go the 6.8 route AR performance makes a good barrel and AA2200 is the most popular powder.

The grendel has Lapua brass which is a big plus. There are plenty of 6.5 bullets out there that work well in the 100-120 gr weight. It is also gaining in popularity versus the 6.8 riding the 6.5 trend created by the creedmoor. You really cant go wrong with either. At longer ranges the 6.5 tends to catch up to the 6.8 because of the higher bc but inside 300 yds its a moot point. In the Grendel 8208 xbr is the best all around powder.

With the 6.8 and a 16" you can get 2700 ish fps. My 18" Grendel runs 2650 ish. With 120's its 2500 ish and 2450 with the Grendel.
I have a Grendel built on a 18" faxon fluted barrel and it is extremely accurate. I use it for my night hunting rig and have taken pigs, coyotes, and used it during the day for deer hunting as well. loves the 123 SST factory ammo. With that said I am in the same boat as you with having empty uppers and wanting to build something more 'unique' but not a wildcat as I don't reload right now.
I have a Grendel built on a 18" faxon fluted barrel and it is extremely accurate. I use it for my night hunting rig and have taken pigs, coyotes, and used it during the day for deer hunting as well. loves the 123 SST factory ammo. With that said I am in the same boat as you with having empty uppers and wanting to build something more 'unique' but not a wildcat as I don't reload right now.
This should be all the motivation you need to get started. I made 1500 308 rounds this week. May only keep 250 6.5 Grendel loaded until things settle out.
This should be all the motivation you need to get started. I made 1500 308 rounds this week. May only keep 250 6.5 Grendel loaded until things settle out.
Yeah, I intend to dive head first into reloading if/when component availability comes back. I am growing an affinity for the oddball and unique calibers more every day. I especially like the small hot .17s
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