Empty AR15 receiver...What upper should I buy or build for a 300 yard deer AR?

Ok explain why? Curios now. I don't have a dti but know people who do

MDWS .257 Ocelot is only 100~150FPS slower than 25x6.8SPC options.

The .223 BCG is more plentiful and cheaper. 300 Black Out magazines are easier to find and cheaper too. Then you have the issue of brass which to me is basically free from my other rifles versus purchasing 6.8SPC cases. Also, there is no concern with leaving cheap easy to find brass in the field unlike a lot of the other options with more expensive brass that needs more labor to form.

The 30HRT and various .22, .25, etc. 6.8SPC options are attractive but, at a higher cost.

For me, the extra velocity is not worth the extra expense because of what I am shooting at and the distances those targets are at.

I have seen a lot of deer and feral hog pictures that tell me the .257 Ocelot will do exactly what I need it to. And, yes the 25DTI will do the same and will do it at a farther distance but, at the ranges I need to use it offers no advantage to me.
Ok. Was curios as I have a 6x45 and can say the downfall is the length of case love it for what it is but a grendel or dti it is not. I mean I am witching 200 FPS of my grendel with my 300blk with same weight bullet which is what took so long for me to switch but I can say that 200 FPS is a huge difference on game and drop. Don't make sense to me when shooting 100gr from blk and 123 from grendel as I was at the same speed but when switched to 99gr hammers the Grendel came Alive.

I put the velocity 3lb drop in in mine.
Breaks crisp and no travel
I like the straight trigger . Easier to handle with winter gloves. Easier on the wallet and just as nice as my more expensive triggers.
Ok. Was curios as I have a 6x45 and can say the downfall is the length of case love it for what it is but a grendel or dti it is not. I mean I am witching 200 FPS of my grendel with my 300blk with same weight bullet which is what took so long for me to switch but I can say that 200 FPS is a huge difference on game and drop. Don't make sense to me when shooting 100gr from blk and 123 from grendel as I was at the same speed but when switched to 99gr hammers the Grendel came Alive.

Yes, ~200FPS extra assuming you are running > 2600FPS will make a difference in hydrostatic shock when the bullet makes contact.

I have a 257 Weatherby which runs really hard as well but, to me, predators aren't that hard to humanely kill so a rapid-fire semi-auto is best. In East Texas and Oklahoma, I would have no concerns running the 257 Ocelot for any deer or any other legal game animal I could hunt with its velocities where my Weatherby would be overkill in most cases.

If I ever go on a Pronghorn hunt though, I think it is my best option though I have larger magnums to choose from. 3600~3800FPS should reach out a long way with a solid hit on one.
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