Empty AR15 receiver...What upper should I buy or build for a 300 yard deer AR?

Forgot about the 6x45. I ha e one and it's great. I just haven't used it since I've been running the Grendel. Case is longer so you need to pick bullets carefully. 70gr hammers are working great for me as of now.
My shooting buddy has a 6.5G and has killed multiple hogs and coyotes with it. I believe it's a 20" barrel. Most hogs were in the 100-200 yard range. Coyotes out to 350 according to him. He runs factory ammo, and has had zero issues. It's his go to caliber for that type of hunting.

There are were lots of ammo choices too.
They are some small deer then if you haven't recovered a bullet. I gave up on 120 class in my grendel. Only get 50 percent pass through with them. And once reaching 300 yards they leave very little blood.
Actually I haven't recovered a bullet inside one that hadn't fragmented. I have yet to have a pass through. I've killed 250lb pigs and Axis that dressed about 145-160. So they aren't tiny. Our hill country whitetail are small by comparison. But I don't shoot too many, Axis tastes way better!

That SST dumps all it's energy right in the boiler room. They stop in their tracks from the shock. I run the 125gr SST in my 308 with the same effect but with a lot more speed. That's it in my avatar. It's a cheap truck gun that never fails.
Forgot about the 6x45. I ha e one and it's great. I just haven't used it since I've been running the Grendel. Case is longer so you need to pick bullets carefully. 70gr hammers are working great for me as of now.
I'm looking to run lightweight Partition or Corelokt bullets for higher velocity impacts on small critters. On another forum, users report good results on deer with these and a few others.
I just built a pencil barreled 6x45 and I love it. Shooting 85gr tnt out of it right now for coyote season.
My vote is 6.8 spc II or 6.5 Grendel. If you go 6.5 Grendel get a quality bolt. It is considered the weak point by many due to the large diameter of the 6.5 Grendel case that leaves a thin diameter of bolt surrounding the case head.
Actually I haven't recovered a bullet inside one that hadn't fragmented. I have yet to have a pass through. I've killed 250lb pigs and Axis that dressed about 145-160. So they aren't tiny. Our hill country whitetail are small by comparison. But I don't shoot too many, Axis tastes way better!

That SST dumps all it's energy right in the boiler room. They stop in their tracks from the shock. I run the 125gr SST in my 308 with the same effect but with a lot more speed. That's it in my avatar. It's a cheap truck gun that never fails.
I've run those bullets in mine and didn't have that kind of luck. May be different lots. But they mushroomed nice just didn't come out the other side with almost zero blood trail.
I'm looking to run lightweight Partition or Corelokt bullets for higher velocity impacts on small critters. On another forum, users report good results on deer with these and a few others.
I had ok luck with nosler 90's and if you can find them the 85gr interbond was popular. Portions are always good. I just had some hammers laying around and thought why not. The added sped made a world of difference and I've not shot anything with them in 6x45 but have in a .243 and they work great.
Wow, tall order! Personally, I prefer bolt actions for serious deer hunting. But if I had to use an AR15, I would probably use my 7.62X39, 6.5 Grendel, or my .25-.223. The 25-.223 almost duplicates the .250 Savage. In a pinch, I could use my .224 Valkyrie with an 80gr. bullet, if it was legal. But, if I wanted an excuse for acquiring another AR, I would get a .300 Hammr and/or 6mm ARC.
Bought the UBR Gen II stock for it today. Have a couple of good scopes to choose from. Someone post a link to a 20 or 22 inch barrel somewhere.
You didn't mention price range so:

350 Legend. Good to 300-400 yards and 150 grain and 170 grain ammo is inexpensive and still available. Uppers available at Bear Creek Arsenal.
I scanned through this thread and haven't seen anyone here reminding you that Uncle Joe Biden is right at this very moment badgering Congress to outlaw and confiscate AR platform and all military-style rifles and pistols. Don't you just hate a creep like me spoiling the thread and your dream all in one unwanted paragraph?
I scanned through this thread and haven't seen anyone here reminding you that Uncle Joe Biden is right at this very moment badgering Congress to outlaw and confiscate AR platform and all military-style rifles and pistols. Don't you just hate a creep like me spoiling the thread and your dream all in one
Almost baited me. Keep it about the post please.
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