Lonnie Pendleton
Well-Known Member
No shortage of them in Arizona.
We need more tags for wolves.... elk down in population because of wolves and cats
Hunters have nothing to do with that?
Its the government, do you expect to do a perfect job?It is the responsibility of the state wildlife department to manage game populations effectively and issue tags based on game animal numbers. They have hard data on how many animals hunters harvest, and generally do a poor job of determining how many animals are killed by predation and an equally poor or even worse job of managing predator populations.
Compared to when I was a kid the western Oregon elk populations have exploded. There worse than mosquitoes. You can drive most any biway from coast to the valley and spot elk in numerous places. This NEVER happened as a kid and my folks were always looking for critters. Deer is entirely different story sadly.
The biggest threat to the elk and population control is Warehouser timber company. They have pretty much ruined hunting western Oregon in my area.
Dont know your age.....but i saw elk everywhere in the mtns....not on private properties along the 'biways'....
And if you want to hold a company under scrutiny....better do some deeper digging.....Weyerhausr has allowed hunting on theirs lands for as long as i can remember...lots of critters been taken off those timbered lands.....there were so many animals dispersed that I never had rhe need to leave FS or BLM....never had to ask permission...just hunted....had thousands of opportunities to take all kinds of game...
And nowxthe Weyerhaeuser is the largest timber company on the coast they are being badgered to NOT ALLOW HUNTING on their properties.....they may well be the last timber companh to allow hunting period........
Roseburg Lumber(the Ford Foundation) has joined hands with antis....
I know people that worked for them in the higher up...i had no respect for them a long time ago...and little if anything has changed......
All you have to do is pay them the 300.00 per hunter for the golden key........
SO… Does their land management increase or decrease elk numbers as that's what this thread is about (In your opinion of course).Weyerhaeusers fee to access is open to anyone to participate unless you don't follow their guidelines....and that is for cutting firewood..fishing..hunting..mushroom picking..brush picking......so if you are using their lands on their lease program you can make your money back....
And yes...i know of many guides that are taking up areas for business..they even took over one of my favorite blacktail and elk spots......but money talks...bs walks.......i didnt have the money....
But I also didn't both and whine about it...i found another place to hunt......wasnt my land...i didnt pay taxes on it.....not my place to tell them how to run their properties then...and still isn't.......
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you dont need a Phd committee to decide what it is. If you want to know about the game, ask the old timers who have been hunting since before you were born.I don't believe the statement that wolves are the reason why elk population is down.