Elk bullet

i will try backing it down to 110 gradually. I haven't tried that. i have the remington 250 gr that came with the gun. i guess i could try them as well. also, i've heard that re-priming the UML brass has its limitations ... i don't understand how it would be any different than any other brass?

It all has to do with head spacing of the brass to the nipple (breech plug). When the bolt is closed, it should be compressing the nipple to the inside flash hole in the brass. That maintains the "seal". After compressing the brass casing a few times, the brass compresses with a "memory", which will start letting gas escape, thus gas cutting the breech plug nipple. Once it starts, it'll only get worse and the plug will require replacement. You'll know too, as the gas will start escaping from the gas port on the action.
Here are photos of a 250 grn ShockWave recovered from a bull here in NM at 200 yards. First attempted shot was 50 yards and powder didn't go off. 2nd attempted shot was 125 yards and cap had fallen off nipple. Third shot went off and hit the bull, quartering to, went through top of heart, lungs, liver, some intestines and stopped under hide on right side. I think the reason I got so much penetration was the bullet had slowed enough to not cause much expansion. I also think the rib folded over part of the bullet. The bull walked 20 feet and fell over dead.

The ML is a T/C Thunder Hawk, powder charge was 90 grains volume Pyrodex P, MV was about 1950fps. So not even close to what they are claiming from the LR muzzle loaders.

I don't think you will have to shoot 300 yards. I can usually get with in 100 yards but it depends on what unit you are hunting.


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depending on what part of NM, 300 yards is a long shot with a centerfire up in northern new mexico where my brother in law and i hunt. 100 to 200 is more realistic.

At 300 yards, you better know your windage drift like the back of your hand because its basically a hail mary if you dont know it.
I hope you guys are right. i would much prefer a chip shot any day! i will be hunting unit 34 in south central NM. Thanks for all of the feedback. i will be going out to the range this weekend. will post results.
I hope you guys are right. i would much prefer a chip shot any day! i will be hunting unit 34 in south central NM. Thanks for all of the feedback. i will be going out to the range this weekend. will post results.

You should have no problems as this is one of the top units in the state.
I'm somewhat late to this thread but I haven't seen anybody mention this yet. I shoot a 265gr Hornady FTX, in 44 caliber. It shoots great in my Savage. My mom shot an elk at 150yd with a downloaded charge; 80gr of Blackthorn. Bullet performed perfectly. It was a good shot but the bull went 30yds. Good take away from that l, was the bullet performed very well at a fairly low velocity.
backed the charge down to 110 gr of BH209 and got much better results at 200 yds. Zeroed in at 100 then my second mil dot on my leupold super slam reticle was about 2 inches high at 200 and i was getting a three inch group with the 290 gr TEZ. didn't have time to try further out but so far it seems the lower charge is working better for my gun than the 130 gr charge. will try to shoot again this weekend at further distances and try to take some pics this time. more later..
I'm somewhat late to this thread but I haven't seen anybody mention this yet. I shoot a 265gr Hornady FTX, in 44 caliber. It shoots great in my Savage. My mom shot an elk at 150yd with a downloaded charge; 80gr of Blackthorn. Bullet performed perfectly. It was a good shot but the bull went 30yds. Good take away from that l, was the bullet performed very well at a fairly low velocity.

30yd tracking job is nothing unless that 30yds included going over a cliff. Did the bullet exit? Where was it hit? Was the bullet recovered?
The bullet entered behind the shoulder, went through the opposite shoulder and stuck in the offside hide. My dad says he still has the bullet, but I have never measured it.
This is the bullet, it was a 265gr FTX


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