Elk bullet

I've hunted elk for 50 years and they can soak up a lot of lead and travel a long way if you don't get a solid hit. Like others on this forum my personal limit with a ML is 200 yds. Remington's current ad for their new Ultimate with 200 grs of pellets shows 23 inches of drop at 300 yds and no retained energy info. That's a tough shot off a bench much less in the field after running up and down the mountains at 10, 000 ft. Spend your energy getting as close as you can and making a good shot rather than tracking a wounded bull for 2 days. Get off the bench and practice shooting from different positions, different rests etc. and get in top notch condition so you can handle the terrain and enjoy the hunt. Good luck.
roger that. thanks. being able to shoot to the best of my ability and getting in better shape are top priorities going into this hunt. three months and counting...
............ Remington's current ad for their new Ultimate with 200 grs of pellets shows 23 inches of drop at 300 yds and no retained energy info.......................

If the shooter is using a 300gr bullet and with a zero of 200yds......

  • Velocity at 300yds........... 1,450 (approx.)
  • Energy at 300yds.......... 1,363 FPE
  • 200yd zero start............. 16" drop at 300yds +/- 1 or 2"
  • 400yds........................... 1,224fps
  • Energy........................... 1,000fpe
  • Drop from 200yds........... 49" at 400yds +/-
It takes practice, lots of it but, its very doable to 300.
Thanks Enocore. i took the UM out for the first time this weekend. shooting 130 grains of blackhorn 209 (in a measuring tube so assuming that is by volume) and 290 grain barnes T-EZ. I only had time to shoot ten rounds...got it zeroed in 1 inch high at 100 for now. I will back it up next weekend and see how it does at 150 and 200 and try to work my way to a 200 yd zero. will also experiment with different loads, etc. will post progress and results. ... love the gun so far. feels very familiar after years of shooting a remington 700 300 win mag.
Thanks Enocore. i took the UM out for the first time this weekend. shooting 130 grains of blackhorn 209 (in a measuring tube so assuming that is by volume) and 290 grain barnes T-EZ. I only had time to shoot ten rounds...got it zeroed in 1 inch high at 100 for now. I will back it up next weekend and see how it does at 150 and 200 and try to work my way to a 200 yd zero. will also experiment with different loads, etc. will post progress and results. ... love the gun so far. feels very familiar after years of shooting a remington 700 300 win mag.

Depending on what distance you intend to shoot, that is the maximum, I'd zero the rifle at 200yds, especially if you THINK you may shoot that far or further. If you were to use 3-60gr T7 (mag) pellets, you'll be very close to 3.5" high at 100yds (9,000') about 4" at lower altitudes. A 200yd zero in a long range possible shot, is an easy adjustment at 100yds.

Sure wish I could get the 290's to shoot from my UF rifle.
why can't you get the 290s to shoot out of your rifle?

I can't get them to group, regardless of the sabot I might try. I've worked with both MMP and Harvester and can't group them tighter than about 6" at 300yds.

I've tried the standard 300gr SST, which won't group either, knurled or not knurled, sabot after sabot.

The BP Xpress is designed to shoot the manufacturer's bullet extremely well, also a 300gr made by Hornady to the manufacturer's specifications.

Example of the SST to the WM 300gr bullets at 300 YARDS.

I couldn't get the 290s to shoot out of a savage smokeless ML or an Encore ML. Really like the speer deep curl 300 gr bullet. Its designed for the 454 casull. That plus the TC super slick(yellow 2 petal sabot) is money in three guns I own. Hardest part is finding he bullet in stock, but is bonded and reigns hell on animals.
I couldn't get the 290s to shoot out of a savage smokeless ML or an Encore ML. Really like the speer deep curl 300 gr bullet. Its designed for the 454 casull. That plus the TC super slick(yellow 2 petal sabot) is money in three guns I own. Hardest part is finding he bullet in stock, but is bonded and reigns hell on animals.

Most of the guys building smokeless and using the Savage or Rem actions, are shooting the 290's with outstanding accuracy. However they are shooting them without sabots and just a wad.

Deep Curls? Yup, trying to find them is a chore.
I wouldn't be so worried about shooting 300yds during MZ season in NM. MZ is the best hunt in NM, go look at the harvest reports they'll speak for themselves and I'll bet the house very few if any of those were shot at 250yds let alone 300. You are going to have a hell of a hunt, what unit did you draw?
Encore.. the WM 300 gr bullets look to group better in the pic above. Who makes the WM 300 gr bullet? I'm having trouble getting the 290s to group at all past 100 yds. with the sabot that comes with it. i'm using 130 gr of BH209. 25 shots .. no constancy at all.
Encore.. the WM 300 gr bullets look to group better in the pic above. Who makes the WM 300 gr bullet? I'm having trouble getting the 290s to group at all past 100 yds. with the sabot that comes with it. i'm using 130 gr of BH209. 25 shots .. no constancy at all.

I'd suggest backing down the BH. Most production rifles seem to like right around 110grs volume charges, that is for their best accuracy and groups. I know a couple guys that shoot 120grs volume and it works for them, but most seem to shoot much better with 110grs volume. I'd try backing it down 5grs and shoot, then repeat until they grouped to your satisfaction.

The Whitetail Medicine bullets are made exclusively for Ultimate Firearms Inc. They can not be purchased anyplace else. They are expensive. I've sent over 800 of them since purchasing the rifle and just picked up 600 more. BUT..... the BP Xpress is a designed custom system. Muzzleloader - Long Range Muzzleloader - Custom Muzzleloader: Ultimate Firearms

Now here's the kicker...... Hornady makes the bullets for UF Inc. and to UF specifications. While some believe that they are merely a rebranded SST, I can assure you, they shoot totally different, as well documented by the above photo. I've shot the SST in the same sabot as the WM, same charge, same everything, and you can see the distinct difference in the photo. Its always been repeatable too. I've knurled the SST with the same results. I even sent 5 of the WM and SST's to a shooter, who tested them from top to bottom. There was the slightest difference in the lead. In other's opinions it wasn't significant. SOMETHING IS different, as I've shot plenty of both with the identical results. I like everyone else tries to save as much money as possible, that's why I tried the 300gr SST. I'm still stumped on that........
i will try backing it down to 110 gradually. I haven't tried that. i have the remington 250 gr that came with the gun. i guess i could try them as well. also, i've heard that re-priming the UML brass has its limitations ... i don't understand how it would be any different than any other brass?
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