Edge VS. RUM

What's the issue with 300 grain bullets in the 338RUM?

There is no issue it is just that in order to get the most out of the 300 grain bullets you
can use more case capacity than the RUMs and Lapua Class of cartrige can offer(100 to110
grains) The 338/378 and larger cases (120 to 128 grains) come into there own with the 300+

The RUM and Lapua can almost match the velocity of the 338/378 with 225 or250 grain bullets
but with the 300 grain bullets the larger case has an advantage.

Just saying that the 225 or 250 are better suited for the 338 rum or lapua for all round performance (velocity,trajectory) at 1200- yards.

If I were going to shoot the 300 grain bullets I would opt for something like the 338 Excalibur ( 130+
grains of case capacity).

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Gary, You asked for a detailed answer but there is no need for that to answer your question. Either will do anything the other will do so always in that case get the factory chambering. I have as much experience as anyone comparing these two. I spent quite a bit of time back in the 90's when remington introduced the specs on the 300 ultramag developing the 338-300 ultramag cartridge and working with the throat dimentions for it. Put out some really good shooting rifles in that chambering and got it just right by the turn of the century. Then in 2001 Remington introduced the 338 rum and I put it through quite a bit of testing. At that point I felt there was no need continuing the 338-300 ultramag because these two do the exact same thing and fill the exact same niche. A great 338 cartridge based on an inexpensive standard mag action. For a guy who wants to spend the money on a custom rifle there are better choices for that but the ultra's are the best on a standard mag action. Bottom line there is no need to wildcat something when virtually the same thing is available over the counter. I haven't built a 338-300 ultra since 2000.
just 2 add my 2 cents alot of it comes down to personal preference im runnin a 300rum and im considering going to the edge for the simple fact that its conpatiable im not saying your wrong or anything
I have never measured it in water. Several weeks ago I shot an improved 338-378 and was running the 300 grain bullets to 3200 fps with either a 30 or 32" barrel. Can't remember now. He had loads with 200 grain bullets of 138 grains of H-870 if that helps any. I have no idea how full the case was since I just saw the loaded product. My standard 338-378's shoot 132 grains of H-870 and that is all I can tap in the case.
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