I highly recommend the Walker razor quads as well. They are slim enough that they do not bother need to use them while shooting. My hunting is limited to deer hunting out of a stand am I lay them over my leg slip them on when I see a deer.
On another tangent, I wear both over-the-ear and foam plugs while shooting target. Even guns without muzzle brakes are loud enough to cause damage with just a few shots with no protection. When you double up on protection though, you do not get the two antennuation numbers added together. Over the ear muffs are generally around 22 decibels of reduction and plugs are usually around 32. If you wear both you do not end up with 54 decibels of reduction. Wearing both will only give you around 40 decibels of antennuation. Rifles with muzzle brakes can produce 170 decibels of sound. That means that with plugs and muffs you are still at a point where you can suffer damage with repeated exposures. It's your hearing and you only have it once, do as you wish. On a side note, my dad was a World War II vet who was in the service for the entirety of the war. When he died at 86 he could still here as well as ever.