Duct Tape on muzzle brake

There are both muffs and in ear types of electronic protection that protect your ears above a certain DB threshold and allow anything under that to get through. I've heard they make it harder to determine the direction of sound but I've never run them so I wouldn't know.
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When hunting in the field a muzzle brake is a pain and the extreme noise can damage your hearing. Has anybody ever tried wrapping the end of the gun with duct tape in order to block the holes on the muzzle brake? Is this an ok way to temporarily block the muzzle brake?
If you have a removable brake, one option would be to remove the brake and install a thread protector.

Cut, thread and re-crown ?
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When hunting in the field a muzzle brake is a pain and the extreme noise can damage your hearing. Has anybody ever tried wrapping the end of the gun with duct tape in order to block the holes on the muzzle brake? Is this an ok way to temporarily block the muzzle brake?

Seriously? Has it occurred to you that simply shooting any firearm without hearing protection, whether it has a brake or not, will damage your hearing.
I'd like to be there or have a video when you first try these ;) They actually amplify ambient. There are other options but I like these so much that I bought some for the wife and kids. These do not cut out from the gunshot, they lower it to normal volume so there isn't the intermittent on/off.

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