Duct Tape on muzzle brake

I know Walker gamers they have them they look like hearing aids they block the muzzle blast. But they amplify like other sounds you can hear leaves ruffling
Why not replace your brake with a linear compensator? My Kaw Valley works great. Reduces noise and angular concussion as well as some flash hiding capabilities
I use these. Probably not as effective but very light and quick to put on.
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Walkers game ear. Or unscrew brake and put on thread protector.

I'll use the brake and walker's game ear. It actually enhances your hearing and blocks out the gunshot.
Search for hunting hearing protection on the web. I've got some from Walker's and while they're not quite like your natural hearing- they're not bad at all. It made me focus more on observation than having to only rely on hearing that was damaged from artillery and grenade bursts!
The tape idea or the hose clamp ideas... ummmm nope- not for me anyways!
An AR platform rifle's muzzle brake can be removed with not much difficulty and replaced after the hunt (not sure about a bolt action though) and that would certainly reduce the amount of sound coming back at you (hearing protectors would be better- IMHO).
I'd suggest some kind on thread protector- electrical tape would well for that and wouldn't be blown off with the shot- but you'd want to ensure the threads weren't damaged... Just a thought.
Been taping barrel for 35 plus years 338 easy to get something stuck in barrel or brakeWhere ear protection plastic hoop type that I use at work Hasn't cost me shot yet Walked up on bull at 50 yards and still put plugs inWould like the electronic now that I'm older don't hear so well


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Yes, a suppressor indeed both makes things easier on the shooter's and bystanders' ears.

The challenge is that, even, in suppressor-friendly states and jurisdictions, the federal hoops and wait times are a chalenge.

Some states still outright ban them.
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