Dream sheep gun

Mine is being built...

6.5 PRC
Rem. 700 SS Short Action
Proof Carbon Sendaro Lite 24" w/brake
McMillan Carbon Stock
Talley 1 Piece base/ring
Leica Magnus 1.8-12x50 w/BDC (not the lightest, but optics are FANTASTIC)

I had initially said my 300 RUM....and that caliber is a beast but so is it's weight at 12 lb. Thought I was going to die on this past year's elk hunt...lugging that thing , a lot different than the 2lb recurve I had carried the years before...

And on that note ..
I have decided on the 264 win mag with a mcmillan edge fill stock barrel is a #3 fluted benchmark..
Pieces are either at the smith or enroute via UPS to my smith..
DX---you're beginning to get on the right track there......12 lb elk rifles no thanks for this old wuss:)
Great thread.

i just finished my "dream" sheep Build.

pierce featherweight SA Ti action
chambered in 6.5SAUM
manners UC sctock,
pyramyd carbon barrel, lighter Weight contour,
hawkins bottom metal,
trigger tech diamond set at 1.0lb

i used a leup 4.5-14 VXi3 30mm tube/50mm obj, with the CDS and windplex reticle Mounted with Hawkins light weight rings.

Complete with scope 6lb, 5.2oz


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Kimber action; 20" #2 SS barrel; 270 Win, 6.5-06, 6.5 Creedmoor; lightweight Leupold with cds and wind-plex
Great thread.

i just finished my "dream" sheep Build.

pierce featherweight SA Ti action
chambered in 6.5SAUM
manners UC sctock,
pyramyd carbon barrel, lighter Weight contour,
hawkins bottom metal,
trigger tech diamond set at 1.0lb

i used a leup 4.5-14 VXi3 30mm tube/50mm obj, with the CDS and windplex reticle Mounted with Hawkins light weight rings.

Complete with scope 6lb, 5.2oz

Now that is a sheep rifle! 6 1/2 lbs with a 50mm obj is amazing. Throw some nice ceracote camo on it and it would be perfect ;)
Dogz, Yes you are correct, I just looked up the specs. Lex builds a accurate rifle. Its right at 4.8 lbs, 3 shot groups with reloader 25 at .05" or less at 3327 fps. Once I received it, was only rifle I ever used for everything. Now it sits in the safe. Thinking of possibly selling it.
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