Dove for dinner

Gas grill you may as well cook on the stove with a dress on. No offense to the ladies on here. But man was made to cook over wood that's why GOD invented trees in my opinion. We burn wood for heat and cook on the grill with it once in awhile we use charcoal but not very often
Gas grill you may as well cook on the stove with a dress on. No offense to the ladies on here. But man was made to cook over wood that's why GOD invented trees in my opinion. We burn wood for heat and cook on the grill with it once in awhile we use charcoal but not very often
Amen to that brother ! Been 20 years since used gas. When I was married ... Lol
Jerk seasoning and then BBQ them. Just before they're done mix some beer with BBQ sauce and paint it on (you have to let the sauce cook). Finally, NO GAS GRILL:mad:! Enjoy.

My wife loves them Al Naturale, split the breats, wrap then in thick bacon then skewer with bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, Portobello and red onions. Do the same with Quail and Duck.

Every once in a while she wants them marinated in soy sauce
We haven't found a great place in CG, AZ yet. 8 birds has been my average this season. At the end of the season all my dove hunting buddies and their families will come over for a dove feast. We Make several different dishes: fry traditional, shred for taco meat, and a dove-in-rice casserole. Love it all, but it's been slim pickings compared to last year.
My wife loves them Al Naturale, split the breats, wrap then in thick bacon then skewer with bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, Portobello and red onions. Do the same with Quail and Duck.

Every once in a while she wants them marinated in soy sauce
LOVE THIS! Another tip is to add some raspberry preserves to the BBQ sauce. Hickory and Mesquite are both good, but it looks like you all know what you're doing so my input is redundant.

To those of you who are going out after them this weekend...HOT GUNS!

BTW, note the "prey" in my avatar ( or whatever you call that personal picture).
LOVE THIS! Another tip is to add some raspberry preserves to the BBQ sauce. Hickory and Mesquite are both good, but it looks like you all know what you're doing so my input is redundant.

To those of you who are going out after them this weekend...HOT GUNS!

BTW, note the "prey" in my avatar ( or whatever you call that personal picture).

That sounds really good, I'm going to have to try some. Thanks and stay safe
Went to the friend's feedlot this morning. The sun was almost obscured by all the smoke drifting in from Cal. In an hour and half I only had one bird. Then magically we were in business about 7:30 and each hit our limit in 30 minutes. I had 11 Eurasians as well. We think they stayed in the roost due to the smoke blocking the sun. Pic of the sun at 0730 today.


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Went to the friend's feedlot this morning. The sun was almost obscured by all the smoke drifting in from Cal. In an hour and half I only had one bird. Then magically we were in business about 7:30 and each hit our limit in 30 minutes. I had 11 Eurasians as well. We think they stayed in the roost due to the smoke blocking the sun. Pic if the sun at 0730 today.

It's been like that here in Tucson since Tuesday. Monday I was driving back from up north and watched the sun set as we passed Phoenix, the sun was completely orange, just craxy
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