Dominate bucks.

Roland Baker

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Several of my favorite WT photos from a great buck that would frequent my FIL's place in West Texas. Locked down on a doe and feeling it!
Yes, that's a good looking Alpha Buck! Looks fairly young, great genes, and well fed!
OBTW I didn't shoot him. Lot's of deer in the area but not many that have ever made me stop and say ........ **** I love WT deer. I can always kill a deer to eat or mount but not that morning. I've got lot's of photos of bigger deer but none that mean as much to me.
OBTW I didn't shoot him. Lot's of deer in the area but not many that have ever made me stop and say ........ **** I love WT deer. I can always kill a deer to eat or mount but not that morning. I've got lot's of photos of bigger deer but none that mean as much to me.
I would have felt the same way! Can't imagine anyone on this forum not hitting the brakes and admiring that specimen

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