180 bucks

Eldred on the PA side and Portville on the NY side. Our farm house was in Eldred and then 2,000 acres across the road was Portville, NY. We were literally on the State's line. Walk across the road and Hunt NY one week then Hunt around the farm house in PA the next week.

I used to hunt out of a camp just north of Scandia, a little west of there on the other side of the Allegheny reservoir. Grew up in Erie. That's nice hunting country up there in the Alleghenies. The coyotes in that region are huge.
I used to hunt out of a camp just north of Scandia, a little west of there on the other side of the Allegheny reservoir. Grew up in Erie. That's nice hunting country up there in the Alleghenies. The coyotes in that region are huge.
Large Yotes for sure. They have an annual Coyote Hunt close to that area and hunters from all around come to it.
I shot an 8 point Doe there the next to the last day of the NY season. Watched for 15 minutes before I took, figured this little 8 point buck rather nothing. When I went to gut it out found that it was a Doe. Did some research after that and found one in a million does will grow some antlers and one in seven million will grow full antler racks.


  • 8 Point Doe Porterville, NY.jpg
    8 Point Doe Porterville, NY.jpg
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  • 8 Point Doe.jpg
    8 Point Doe.jpg
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That, Sir, is an exceptionally handsome rack. Deep forks, front & back, nice beams, eye-guards, etc. Perfect symmetry, right down to the little extra points on his back forks. While 180 might be a magic number, score count matters little when the buck has everything. Congratulations - nice shooting.
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