55gr vs 77gr 5.56

+1 on 64g Nosler BSB. Loaded warm under n540. 60g partition or mono in same class. SPS runs sales on the BSB occasionally where I picked them up for $0.25-$0.30ea. 3/4 moa w LC range brass. Hits very hard.
55 gr SGK will roll all but the very largest hog when hit in the boiler room.
They work even better when shoot them in the ear hole!!! That's my preferred target!!!
556 will kill them it's just will you recover them before they run off into brush if you don't head shot them. Big fields no issue with chest shots...small fields not so good. Was shooting 20-30 pigs per year of my buddies property at night. Ballistic tips don't hold up to the shoulder plate. Tsx work OK and give you two holes.

as far as other calibers... Have used 300 blkout supersonic with tac-tx and had much better luck. No to subsonic unless you are doing head shots on single pigs. Prefer 308 with accubonds. Winchester Silvertip would just delam and you'd find jacket on far side of body.. Some hogs are just too stubborn and amped up to die. I have rolled them with a 308 at 20 yds through the boiler room and had them get back up and charge at me. Literally had to elbow buddy out of way to get two practically contact shots in to pile one up a few years back. 12 gauage 4 buck has been my go to for working in the mesquite flats at night. Shoot them head on...broadside get a further back than you would think on big boars so you get enough penetration into the lungs w/o getting hung up in the shoulder plate.
I'd like to see you use these and report on them. Makes me want to live in pig country. https://palmettostatearmory.com/aac-5-56-nato-77-grain-sierra-tmk-20rd-box-ammunition.html
I just started killing with these.
The Sierra TMK drops them in their tracks with a chest shot. Ice pick hole going in and no exit. No bleeding, no blood trail, but they died where they stood. Shots from 50 to 150 yards so far. Looking for some longer range shots now.
EXCEPT shoulder shots up very close. Bullets broke the shoulders but didn't penetrate to the vitals. No outside bleeding because the hide, shield, and fat plugged the entrance holes. Reran some impromptu cadaver tests to confirm. It's not always but depending on the angle and bones, it sometimes happens up close for me.
I run Jagdterriers on bloodtrails so I recover the bullet failures.
I'm also going to test out the OTM load from AAC in the field. Cadaver test or two and I got exit wounds on behind the shoulder lung shots.
I keep a Savage Axis II in my laundry room gun rack for miscreants around the house, including hogs. It's loaded with handloads consisting of 65 gr. Sierra SBT's. While they certainly don't kill as well as larger caliber bullets, they penetrate well and the hogs are usually dead within 100 yds. After about three days, there's nothing but a greasy spot left after the coyotes finish with them.

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