Bumping bucks

Nice Trick Or Treat buck.
YES--had some nice corn and Antler Max for them! The antler Max is really for the little ones, does and the bucks as well. Need the high protein there. Cannot be out there this weekend as I was there last weekend putting up more signage and another camera. Our GW out there will be driving around this weekend out there as rifle season starts tomorrow in my GMU.

Hopefully will not have any cut fences (we do almost every year) from poachers coming in on 4 wheelers. Will be a very ugly set of tickets if they get caught.
Recently watched a video on just this subject. In a study of radio collared deer after hunting a stand and being winded or busting deer. Deer avoided the area for an average of 3 days and it took 5 days to get back to normal.
This one taken opening morning right after he finished mating with a doe had to take a rest! He was tired. Pretty nice deer. 2nd one from a game yesterday about 20 minutes after I got finished doing dome chain sawing on some trees you can see where I just put out a new protein block at the same time. Very good year! Have seen a couple that are B&C one typical and one non typical. Intense management has been paying off especially when we have a wet spring and summer. The summer food plots do well now, with the rain last week (and even yesterday) the winter food plots are starting to pop up.



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