Does this look right?

Used to see that on occasion when I was in retail. It looks like bluing solution that was trapped in the tiny spaces between the various parts has leached out to where it is visible. It likely did NOT leave the mfg or 'smith looking like that, but it leaked out while in transit. Usually a Hoppe's cleaning followed by some penetrating oil would fix it.
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Looks like "Bars Leak" used in engines to stop leaks in cracks. Where did yo get the barrel from???
Only kidding don't know what it is- Kind of Looks like "Anti Seize" so the action doesn't seize to the barrel. Anti seize usually is very fluid and doesn't get hard like you are explaining.
Where did you get it, what caliber, what action & Barrel????
It does form up if it has been sitting for quite a while.
I've had a couple of factory rifles that were like that when I got them. I sprayed the stuff off with carb cleaner really good then put some kroil on it heavy amd let that sit for a little while then wiped it off. The stuff didn't come back. That said, if I just paid someone to rebarrel, I would call them and send it back in.
Never seize is great stuff, but if you apply too much or get sloppy with it spreads everywhere. Wiping it with a rag, does not really clean it up. The fine residue left behind could certainly affect the finish. I would send it back
I just received a new barreled action, and there seems to be some kind of substance around the nut, lug, and receiver joint. I tried to wipe it off, but it's pretty stubborn.

What is this stuff, and is it normal?

This is the first time I've ever ordered something from a barrel manufacturer, and I guess I was expecting it to be "prettier."
No Sir, I don't like it.! Get your money back. In pic # 1 the action even looks pitted on the edge of the port. Did you sent them the action?? I looks used.
I've had several rifles built and I've NEVER seen anything like that.
I also shoot with fella's that have customs, and I've never heard one of them mention anything like this.
So sorry. That stinks.
Yes, I sent them the action. It's a lightly used Savage, and the appearance of pitting near the port was there previously (from the factory).

I haven't heard back yet, so I'll have to try calling again tomorrow. Covid waiting times…
I've had a couple of factory rifles that were like that when I got them. I sprayed the stuff off with carb cleaner really good then put some kroil on it heavy amd let that sit for a little while then wiped it off. The stuff didn't come back. That said, if I just paid someone to rebarrel, I would call them and keQUOTE]
Looks like bluing salt trapped under the barrel nut leaching out between the nut and threads only way too solve the problem is remove the nut and clean everything before reassembling
It's bluing salts creeping out of the barrel nut. imo I'd send it back and have them take it down to neutralize the bluing salt because it's doing the same thing under the nut and barrel threads. If you don't fix it imo in a few years if you try to take it apart the nut may come off in pieces and the receiver threads may be rusted so bad no one will install a new barrel on it.
I just received a new barreled action, and there seems to be some kind of substance around the nut, lug, and receiver joint. I tried to wipe it off, but it's pretty stubborn.

What is this stuff, and is it normal?

This is the first time I've ever ordered something from a barrel manufacturer, and I guess I was expecting it to be "prettier."
I received a call from the manufacturer this morning, and they confirmed that it's from the bluing salts, so kudos to everybody that suggested it.

They also confirmed that it probably occurred in transit and did not leave the shop that way (in which case my first thought is: "then why not keep it in the shop for a week of observation before sending it out?").

They told me to try some solvent and a soft bristled brush, so I'll give that a shot this weekend. If unsuccessful, they will take it back and run it through their ultrasonic. Either way, they said the salts would not affect future disassembly or cause any issues.
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