Agreed. Gunsmithing is a real issue in some states as there are not a lot of good fitters around anymore. We used to have one here in our neck of the woods but when the Sporting Clays started to die down here so did the gunsmithing, at least on the shotgun fitting side. I was very lucky, I bought a Browning 525 and was able to adapt the stock myself with a few modifications. The cast was good so I only had to mess with the length of pull and and angle of the butt pad. Very inexpensive fix and it fits wonderfully. Onthe other side of that coin I have a friend that has a twist in his buttstock that would blow your mind to change the cast and it cost him a fortune. Honestly when I was shooting a lot I wouldn't have cared how much it cost. For guys that just want to ocassionally shoot clays or hunt with the shotgun there are so many options out there that do have interchangeable stocks with shims that change length of pull and cast that you should be able to find one that at least gets ya close.