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Do Your Wife And/or Kids Hunt?

Do Your Wife And/or Kids Hunt?

  • My wife hunts

    Votes: 557 36.3%
  • My wife tried it but doesn't hunt now

    Votes: 183 11.9%
  • Not yet but I plan to introduce her to it

    Votes: 123 8.0%
  • My kids hunt

    Votes: 859 56.0%
  • My kids tried it but don't hunt

    Votes: 81 5.3%
  • Not yet but I plan to introduce them to it

    Votes: 273 17.8%

  • Total voters
My grand sun and I hunt mostly just squerls and snakes he is only 11 wont be 12 till may then he can take safty corse and we can expand ower game choises. Jaust got him a compond bow so he can shoot a deer.
This was the year of firsts....My 12 yr old stepson got his first deer a doe...and my 10 yr old daughter got her first...about an 8" spike with a Mossberg super bantam .243 here in florida
My wife doesn't hunt but she likes to target shoot my grandson cant wait to shoot a deer I just got him a little HR.223 single shot nice little gun he is a pretty good shot but he is a little afraid of recoil so I told him he has to get a head shot I have some 75 gr. match amo. and I am going to make him practices until I think he is good enuf to do the job.
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yep, my wife and son both hunt and have taken some nice bull moose, after many years of taking a bull every season the thrill for me is just not there,

BUT.... the excitement is renewed when either the wife or kid shoot a nice bull moose,
both have their own Tikka T3 in 300 WSM.

heres my first ever video on you tube with my sons shot on his 2012 bull moose with pics I took of my hunting areas


  • Dory and her Tikka T3 300WSM.jpg
    Dory and her Tikka T3 300WSM.jpg
    155.7 KB · Views: 66
  • Dory and her 2010 bull moose.jpg
    Dory and her 2010 bull moose.jpg
    129.6 KB · Views: 68
  • Mihaels 2012 bull.jpg
    Mihaels 2012 bull.jpg
    207.1 KB · Views: 64
My 10 old just took the hunter safety last year I have a Turkey hunt planned for this year and I will get her out for deer too.. I have hunted my whole life and wanted nothing more then to pass on what I know to a son...GOD GAVE ME 3 GIRLS
My wife was scared to death of guns when we met. She told me she almost didn't go out with me a second time after walking in the door and seeing my collection. I talked her into shooting and now she hunts with me every chance we get. My 5 year old just shot his first deer this year 2x3 whitetail at 100 yards. Much more fun now that I have someone to take with me.
My wife hunts to support my habit. She gets to spend quality time with me that way.

I nearly ruined my daughter. Her first day big game hunting at 12 years old she brought home a B&C antelope. Nice little 210 yard poke with a Weatherby youth 7-08. She is hooked, that leaves her little brother to join the fray this year as he will be 12 this year.
i went broke 2 times farming. but it was a vehicle to keep my kids close to GOD and mothernature. they were shooting 22 cal at 5 yrsold. howing crotolare out of soy beans at 5. my friends ask me (how do you havethe relation ship with your children?) i tell the the 3 WS woods, water& wildlife!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Took my kids to hunt goats this last year in Wyoming and we had a blast. I did learn I cant hunt at the say time as they do because they need more help then I had realized.
my 10yr old son and i have taken a few squirrels and dove here in illinois. no big game yet but good times non the less. i hope to get a whitetail this year while hes with me.
i went broke 2 times farming. but it was a vehicle to keep my kids close to GOD and mothernature. they were shooting 22 cal at 5 yrsold. howing crotolare out of soy beans at 5. my friends ask me (how do you havethe relation ship with your children?) i tell the the 3 WS woods, water& wildlife!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Being a farmer, I can relate to that. The old saying 'Farm to you go broke' I've been lucky. I'm specilized and and I do it part time.......

Far as the wife and kids go, the poll don't apply to me.

My wife likes firearms but has no desire to hunt or shoot. They are pieces of curiosity, nothing more. She hunts at the supermarket and in the garden....

My son is an attorney and a Democrat and hates any and all firearms. Don't know what happened, but he's in his 30's now so I'm not going to change his opinion and I don't give a **** either.
Very nice guys... "does your wife hunt", perhaps you should does your husband hunt. My name is Rachel, and I live in Payson, AZ., and I hunt
My wife loves shooting Ruff Grouse, and Ptarmigan. She also likes shooting Black Bears and Moose. She does not like hunting Caribou, because she does not like Caribou meat.

Both of my sons hunt. The oldest one lives in Oragan and hunts Turkey. The youngest one lives here in Fairbanks. He and I just finished a Caribou hunt last week. We both got Caribou. He and his buddy want to go for Dall Sheep next week in the Brooks Range.
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