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Do you wear hearing protection while hunting?

Do you wear hearing protection while hunting?

  • Usually do

    Votes: 807 35.7%
  • Usually do not

    Votes: 1,193 52.7%
  • No but I probably will in future

    Votes: 263 11.6%

  • Total voters
I just did a little research on Tinnitus through Wikipedia and it seems that there is far more to hearing loss that meets the eye!!.I always suspected it was the big bang theory but as I read on any drugs from asprin to zoloff has an effect on you're hearing, according to Wiki the 2 ears on your head.Can only think of the men in artillary units before ear protection.I watched a show the other day from the Korea war where guys were caught off guard or in the wrong place at the wrong time.Not all my guns have brakes but my little .375 WBY has a 19'' bbl and the cracks in my trucks windscreen can tell that it's one hell of a blast as is my .458 Lott,the My 50BMG and 408 arn't so bad because the bbls are somewhere out front with a 6'' brake
To all of us,anyone that doesn't think that it's cool to shoot or stand buy and watch without protection will soon know the effects of hearing loss
After being on this topic I'm even more aware of the loss I have suffered
For me it depends, unless I'm getting ready to shoot, I don't have my ear plugs in for I want to be able to hear as much as much as possible. Also, depending on which rifle I have with me will kind of dictate if I put them in. If I have my 270 with me I usually don't bother to put them in unless I have time, with my 7mm which wears a brake I will always put them in unless by accident I forget them at camp like I did this past weekend.
I hunt hounds, so obviously then I'm not wearing hearing protection since the entire point is to listen to the dogs, but if you ever try to shoot something in a hole or culvert that the dogs have ran in there you better be wearing something. (I've used wadded up toilet paper when I had nothing else... it helps) When deer and elk hunting I don't wear it, but since getting my STW with the muzzle brake I always have ear plugs in my pocket and if I have time I try to put them in (most times on long range shots you have time). Fire that thing three or four times without ear plugs and your ears will ring for hours, that muzzle brake may eliminate all recoil, but it sure is hard on the ears.
My 1st post here is unappolagetically bragging. Im not planning on wearing hearing protectection because my firearm is allowed to wear it!:)
My 1st post here is unappolagetically bragging. Im not planning on wearing hearing protectection because my firearm is allowed to wear it!:)

Don't you just wish all firearms were as courtious as yours. Mine are courtious as well. :D AAC earplugs.

I use and recommend the Allen Sound Sensors whenever possible. You can hear well enough to not miss anything while hunting.
My 1st post here is unappolagetically bragging. Im not planning on wearing hearing protectection because my firearm is allowed to wear it!:)

What, I barely heard that? Oh better yet, please yell that into the ears of the Montana state politicians!
I do not wear ear protection while hunting, but typically always insert foam ear plugs before a shot.
I am thinking some of these ear protection in ear devises would be great for work...
I am pretty diligent about it, the foam "neck ring" type if running around on quads or Rangers for big game and the Surefire Sonic Defenders otherwise, even with shotguns and rimfires.

There are times you have to crack off a shot but I WILL NOT let my daughters shoot without ears no matter what (7 and 9), no reason to live with ringing for a lifetime.
Don't you just wish all firearms were as courtious as yours. Mine are courtious as well. :D AAC earplugs.


It would be nice, but I am unwilling to put my name on yet another Federal list, nor give the feds that kind of per gun.
Wearing ear protection while hunting can be much more dangerous than hearing loss,is that one maybe two shots really going to amount to anything...
I developed mild tinnitus 4 years ago when I failed to wear protection for just ONE shot on a braked magnum rifle during a coyote hunt with new friends.
I'm good at wearing ear protection at all times except when hunting. Have only recently purchase a couple rifles with a break on them. Shot them quite a bit with ear protection. No problems. During an elk hunt fired one time without ear protection, and have had a ringing in my ear every since. Now according to my wife I'm kind of a ding a ling anyway, but I will always wonder if it wasn't that one shot.
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