I have put too much sentiment on guns but I'm trying to get better and I'm going through this "sentiment" thing right now.
My Daddy died about 15 years ago and it really hurt(s). He was my hero and seeing him waste away to nothing because of cancer has left scars but that is part of life and something we all have to go through and carry.
Being his only boy (that we know about
) I got all his guns, tools and toys. I kept them selfishly close until recently.
One of my nephews, who also looked fondly up to his Granddaddy, has bugged the crap out of me about one of Daddy's rifles. I know he genuinely wants it to fulfill his sentimental reasoning and that's OK. I know he's a good boy and he'll treasure it. He's family and loved my Daddy dearly also.
He and I have been discussing him getting the rifle for about 6 months now and I let him have it last weekend. I tried to pass on all the memories and stories that my Dad and I had shared while hunting and shooting. It was his favorite and only rifle in his latter years. Unlike me, he only had one rifle most of the time and shot it really, really well. He "schooled" me more than once with that rifle but I did not shoot or hunt with it. It was his rifle and his style and I really didn't have any interest in doing those activities with it. So it just sat there. I finally came to the realization that he would enjoy it more than me and Daddy would rather someone be getting enjoyment from it rather than hording it.
He's above cloud nine, still, and I feel like a better man for giving. Life should be a learning process until you're done.