My older brother had quite a few guns in his collection. Came home one day and found him deceased in the garage from a self inflicted gunshot wound. He,myself and a younger brother shared an apartment in the cities where we stayed for work. After everything was said and done, I come into my room and found about half his guns leaned up against the corner. And a CZ .416 Rigby, my favorite of his firearms, laying on my bed. And the other half of the firearms were on the other brothers room, with one rifle laying on the bed. But we weren't selfish in keeping all the firearms to ourselfs, we kept the individual firearms which we thought he left for us, we have one more brother, we had him pick out a firearm. Then we let our, at the time young sons and nephews, pick out a firearm- youngest to oldest. What was left, we sold to pay for funeral costs.
Long story short, even though I had great memories of/with my brother, I ended up selling the .416 Rigby. Every time I would open the safe, it was a reminder of his passing and how he almost destroyed my mom with his act of taking his own life. It was too painful a reminder. Do I regret selling it, sometimes.