Thanks for proving my point about the narcissistic attitude of the average American.
You guys are all upset that people don't follow the laws about fires but you have no problem with the idea of breaking the laws in regards to trespassing on private property.
This is what's wrong with most people today, as long as a law suites you it's a good law, but when it interferes with what you want to do then it's a bad law.
All these guys whining about the corner crossing laws never mention that all they have to do is ask for permission to cross the private land and most often they'll get permission if they had the gonads to ask.
can anyone else call out this ********! it's not "whining" when you steal public land and we don't like it.
so in order to even step on public land, (that you stole) we, as citizens, have to have "the gonads" to ask YOU for permission? so the average american is narcissistic because you,,,, in a corrupt, greedy, very likely illegal, manner have blocked access to the public land that some would like to access? so we have to beg you to get onto public land that we all should be allowed on?
I can't even believe what i am reading
1. shouldnt' have to ask anyone's permission to go onto public land.
2. all the ranches i have seen, the houses where the owners live,, are set way back,, many times having signs that say keep out,,, or no trespassing,, or have agressive dogs,, or even a bull wandering around.
3. it's not like a **** residential street where you can just knock on the door,, most folks living in a rural manner, don't want some stranger driving up their private drive,, walking up to their house and knocking. good way to get a shotgun pointed at you.
4. most of the time, the ranchers in question, are going to be gone and not home, so how do you ask, what do you do then even if you have the gonads to ask. what about when you start charging fee's to cross the stolen access? that is what it is all about anyway
my god, you are even worse than all the liberals that want free everything,, you just want to steal everything, have control of it, and make other people beg to use it