Digital Bore Sighter, Zero-Verify Technology (request feedback)


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
College Park, GA
Update! Six years we had a discussion on this. Thank you all for your input. Update!!!!!! The app will boresight, record zero, and, when needed, verify zero without having to go to the range. I am in the process of allowing companies that do analog boresighting to license the technology. The goal is to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to identify all factors contributing to a bullet's trajectory. Once identified, the variables can be replaced, and a new zero can be produced with these new non-standard conditions (weather, shooter ability, weapon, and ammunition performance. Please review the video clip, give me feedback, and ask any questions.

This is a tool, once set up and the rifle is actually zeroed on paper that you can use to confirm the zero is still on later? Like after traveling or the rifle taking abuse in the field?
if you already have a zero, then Zero-Verify can determine boresight in reference to the rifle chamber and record your zero for later recall.
The goal is to identify and replace all variables as the user sees them decay/change. All zeros are snapshots in time. It seems that whatever affects trajectory at 25 yards does so at 100 yards, 800 yards, and more. Cut bait and fish, trolling.....
Sounds similar to the way the Sitelite works, but without the laser ?
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you are right; the concept is the same, like looking through the bore, except the chamber insert works to extend the line of the bore.
I went to the website, I couldn't find any information on the insert. Will this be a caliber specific insert that you have to buy for different caliber rifles?
The chamber insert has to be caliber-specific; however, it will be universal as the sensor can be inserted into a caliber-specific sleeve. The sleeve should be inexpensive.
The chamber insert has to be caliber-specific; however, it will be universal as the sensor can be inserted into a caliber-specific sleeve. The sleeve should be inexpensive.
Thanks for the explanation. Any idea when this will be hitting the market?
It depends. If licensed, it could go to market in less than six months. I am in the process of offering Zero-Verify (ZV) to analog boresighting companies and scope manufacturers. Some scopes are already going digital, and the sensor is already built in. Their apps just need a rework on the code to use ZV. Then, the only thing needed is the chamber insert.