THIS ^^^ is correct answer, as "Bone structure" and Skin "Thickness" of, each Person's, Skull ( Cheek area ) and distance to, the center of, each Eyeball, is DIfferent, on, almost, Everybody ! Custom Stock makers usually, know "this".
Correct, Stock "Height", was how we adjusted the POI of, Shot Patterns on, Shotgun Stocks for, Competitive Trap Shooters in the OLD days, before,..
Adjustable Comb, Stocks. It was VERY important to, the longer range ( 24-27 yd ), "Handicap" shooters. This Cheek shape/ skin thickness and eye, distance idea, Transfers over to, POI "Shift's" on, Rifle's, too. And we commonly, call IT ,.. "Cheek Weld"