One of the 7mm-300wm's in any of its variations. I'm easily pushing Berger 168's at 3200 FPS without unreasonable pressure with a 28" barrel. Specifically, mine is a 7mm Practical using an off the shelf Manson reamer.

200 yards. 5 shots
But if you want to go the next level there is the 7RBH
195 Berger's at 3250 fps and laser like accuracy
Of course it takes a .585 bolt face but it's on the top for a 10# hunting rig with the accuracy I have needed
But Travis @ RBROS Rifles is the magic maker for this and "all" my Rifles!
That's a little scary in a good way...
Assuming 6000 ft alt, 50 deg F, 3250fps would give Elk energy out to 1420yrds yielding 1509fr lbs. Of course that's on paper, but that's a lot of fire power. The chambers likely go in 1000-1500 rounds but hey barrels are wear items. Hopefully you could quickly find a powder combo that shot consistent and accurate. At 1420 yards, assuming an elks kill zone is 24 inches, a 1 MOA rifle would suffice as 1 MOA at that distance is about 14.87 in. Anything tighter would be of course even better. I say build it and put the biggest Terminator brake on it and you're ready for some ELR fun.
View attachment 143375
200 yards. 5 shots
View attachment 143373 But if you want to go the next level there is the 7RBH
195 Berger's at 3250 fps and laser like accuracy
Of course it takes a .585 bolt face but it's on the top for a 10# hunting rig with the accuracy I have needed
But Travis @ RBROS Rifles is the magic maker for this and "all" my Rifles!
i am liking that cartridge!
Cartridge choice in the 7mm's has been my struggle too. I was going to build a 280 AI because I have a couple of rifles that need new barrels. but if I sell off some stuff, or trade I'll go a 7mm RM. 28 Nosler works too if you have the money to rebarrel often. But since I also like to shoot a lot a 7mm RM makes the most sense. Brass is relatively easy to find. 175gr-180gr class bullets is what I'll probably stick to. And there's tons of load data out there. That's my choice but a 7mm-300 WM or 28 Nosler works too.
Cartridge choice in the 7mm's has been my struggle too. I was going to build a 280 AI because I have a couple of rifles that need new barrels. but if I sell off some stuff, or trade I'll go a 7mm RM. 28 Nosler works too if you have the money to rebarrel often. But since I also like to shoot a lot a 7mm RM makes the most sense. Brass is relatively easy to find. 175gr-180gr class bullets is what I'll probably stick to. And there's tons of load data out there. That's my choice but a 7mm-300 WM or 28 Nosler works too.
Def get adg brass for your 7mag if you go that route. I loaded some for my brother's rifle, it's excellent.
Def get adg brass for your 7mag if you go that route. I loaded some for my brother's rifle, it's excellent.
Thanks for the tip. On the cheap so at a buck and a quarter it's a bit too rich for me. But thanks for the heads up.

2 7RBH rigs. Mine in the front my sons in the back

Assuming 6000 ft alt, 50 deg F, 3250fps would give Elk energy out to 1420yrds yielding 1509fr lbs. Of course that's on paper, but that's a lot of fire power. The chambers likely go in 1000-1500 rounds but hey barrels are wear items. Hopefully you could quickly find a powder combo that shot consistent and accurate. At 1420 yards, assuming an elks kill zone is 24 inches, a 1 MOA rifle would suffice as 1 MOA at that distance is about 14.87 in. Anything tighter would be of course even better. I say build it and put the biggest Terminator brake on it and you're ready for some ELR fun.
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