Custom Load Development

I am curious as to why you don't want to reload your own ammo?
You stated you have $9,000 in your rifle so it seems you could afford the equipment.
I have been reloading for 35 years and like many others here enjoy reloading for various reasons. Just curious.
375fan. Good question. Two reasons. First. Unfortunately, I live in a highrise apartment complex that won't allow anything of that nature for liability reasons. Second. I dont have the time to do it untill later in the summer when my work will allow for it and we are out of our existing place into house. Having said that, I would love to reload, just can't for the obvious reasons, therefore, I must have someone do it for me. Oh, and the wife will kill me if I do the reloading thing right now, I am already at the range 3 times a week........

Diriel, good idea, will check with Nosler custom. I heard Peter Jr @ Dakota does the same.
I ran across a guy who will craft custom ammo a while ago but I didn't book mark it, I don't see how it would be any different than what Gunwerks does but it would take the right FFL I believe.

Keep us posted, I'm going to do this with Loadbase this summer and would be interested in how it turns out for others. I'm not worried about the chronograph, I've been collecting Caterpillar dozer parts :D
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