Custom actions and barrel nuts (bighorn, shilen, etc)

With CBI, Mcgowen, Pac-nor and Shilen now doing Remage barrels I would just build it on whatever action there is a deal running on and run the Remage barrel. I don't know of any other action running the Savage threads.
The Bighorn TL2 has savage threads as an option and the TL3 comes standard with savage threads. The Bighorns with Remington threads will not accept most Remage barrels due to a difference in the bolt lugs, I found that one out the hard way.

The TL3 for $1250 is a helluva an action and you can run any savage prefits small shank barrel you want on it.
I like barrel nuts but hate the lack of options with savage accessories. I wanted to try a remage but feel like the floating bolt heads make better partners for self installed barrels (although I'd probably prefer the one piece bolt). I think a properly built and smithed rifle is a thing of beauty and a fine art but I have the uncontrollable urge to change parts, cartridges, etc constantly and want a modular system I can use to try whatever may be my poison at the time. I want the best I can have to build myself without a lathe and easily find threaded barrels for. . As of now I'm thinking about the bighorn sr2. Am I on the right track? I would think without trueing up the 700 action my chances of an accurate remage are 50/50 and by having it trued the readily available prefit barrels would no longer fit. Thanks for your thoughts

The BHA SR2 LA is an awesome action; I have it on my .30 Lara full custom rifle but opted for nutless for this time around ...
That thread dilemma is what got me started on this. I have a 700 here I was going to use but squaring it without squaring the threads seems like kind of a waste, While these will be hunting rifles I would like BR accuracy. That and the availability of the savage threaded barrels is 100x the remage barrels.


What kind of hunting do you do close to home? Reason I ask is that if you hunt mostly from a box blind or stationary stand, a heavier rig will work fine and also be much less likely to disappoint you at the range. If you spend all day carrying your hunting rifles, then lighter weight makes more sense.

If your hunting conditions allow, consider a #5 or stiffer tube. Very visible difference in repeatable precision with a tube of that stiffnes than #2s or #3s.

I absolutely agree with your thoughts on future cost savings with a barrel nut and custom action. That's part of what motivated me to do mine and I am thrilled with the results.

I live in south fl, lot of swamp stalking, cattle pastures and packing in climbing stands. I have heavy guns but seldom use them unless I'm just posting up somewhere, it's too hot to drag a 13lb brick around. I'm using a #3 Lilja at the moment with good results. My next one will most likely be in 260 in 4-5 contour cut pretty short to lose the extra weight. Our deer are pretty small here, doesn't take much to run one through them.
I live in south fl, lot of swamp stalking, cattle pastures and packing in climbing stands. I have heavy guns but seldom use them unless I'm just posting up somewhere, it's too hot to drag a 13lb brick around. I'm using a #3 Lilja at the moment with good results. My next one will most likely be in 260 in 4-5 contour cut pretty short to lose the extra weight. Our deer are pretty small here, doesn't take much to run one through them.
Yeah but will it shoot thru a 20 ft python from mouth to tail? That's the question isn't it?
Yeah but will it shoot thru a 20 ft python from mouth to tail? That's the question isn't it?

Probably not but they're heads aren't that big. You just reminded me, we had to give up on my favorite hunt of the year this year due to excessive Diamondbacks. It was a week after the hurricane came through, It must e flooded them out of hiding. We couldn't walk 50 yards without getting rattled at or coming one step from a two week hospital trip.
any recommendations on where to get a good price on some of these actions? thanks

Unless buying a used one, I don't know if you are going to realize any big savings. My DGR was right at $1k with a pinned recoil lug and 20MOA rail. If there's a better bargain in a custom action, I'm not aware of it. For used ones, the classifieds in the usual websites. Long Range Hunting, 24 Hour Campfire, Sniper's Hide, Accurate Shooter, etc.

Unless buying a used one, I don't know if you are going to realize any big savings. My DGR was right at $1k with a pinned recoil lug and 20MOA rail. If there's a better bargain in a custom action, I'm not aware of it. For used ones, the classifieds in the usual websites. Long Range Hunting, 24 Hour Campfire, Sniper's Hide, Accurate Shooter, etc.

$1000 with lug and rail=under $900 for action. Not bad.
This will likely get someone's tit in a knot but any time you have an opportunity to get an action that does NOT have a PTG part your upgrading, I have to work over most Stillers because of their lousy bolt, they never make contact on both lugs, hole through the bolt body will be of center making for huge firing pin drag every once in a while, the Bighorn make the Stiller look like a grade school project.
Put real money into the barrel on a budget build, don't get cheap and buy a barrel like an x-caliber, you can get a Bartlien prefit barrel from Bugholes for $500 ready to roll on and it would be worth every nickle!
Thank you, I'm not looking for budget as much as I'm looking for good in the action dept. I'm new to custom actions but am looking to buy a few of them and want to do it right. Bighorn has cut production on the SR2 and with the SR3 on the way I'll probably end up pre ordering one of those to start if my patience allow. I appreciate all the input, I may end up steering away from the savage threads for my modular projects but it would be pretty **** convenient to stick with them.
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