Custom actions and barrel nuts (bighorn, shilen, etc)

This will likely get someone's tit in a knot but any time you have an opportunity to get an action that does NOT have a PTG part your upgrading, I have to work over most Stillers because of their lousy bolt, they never make contact on both lugs, hole through the bolt body will be of center making for huge firing pin drag every once in a while, the Bighorn make the Stiller look like a grade school project.
Put real money into the barrel on a budget build, don't get cheap and buy a barrel like an x-caliber, you can get a Bartlien prefit barrel from Bugholes for $500 ready to roll on and it would be worth every nickle!

Interesting post Rhian, I just picked up a bighorn tl-2 in 6.5x47. For a swinging deal.:D but I am waiting to see how the 300ss pans out as far as oal with the 215 and velocity. GB
I have one in a long action with a barrel nut and a Benchmark barrel. I am very happy.

You can even change bolt heads if you want a different diameter cartridge...

Controlled feed with easy, reliable, single feed...

I have to add...that the metal on the ARC actions is so hard...that they have to etch the serial numbers by some laser etch way...
This will likely get someone's tit in a knot but any time you have an opportunity to get an action that does NOT have a PTG part your upgrading, I have to work over most Stillers because of their lousy bolt, they never make contact on both lugs, hole through the bolt body will be of center making for huge firing pin drag every once in a while, the Bighorn make the Stiller look like a grade school project.
Put real money into the barrel on a budget build, don't get cheap and buy a barrel like an x-caliber, you can get a Bartlien prefit barrel from Bugholes for $500 ready to roll on and it would be worth every nickle!

Yeah, those Stiller actions are horrible... Someone forgot to tell my Shilen DGR and cheap Criterion barrel they suck...

100 yard zero confirmation.


500 yards.


The Stiller Predator I owned didn't know it was lousy either.


Yeah, those Stiller actions are horrible... Someone forgot to tell my Shilen DGR and cheap Criterion barrel they suck...

100 yard zero confirmation.


500 yards.


The Stiller Predator I owned didn't know it was lousy either.



I've sent better than 10 bolts back because the firing pin would not hit a primer the bore was so crooked, I've seen two the fluting went through on them because of a thin spot in the bore, way too much cock on close though since the ramp is over cut a guy can fix that and not wipe out the firing pin fall.
I have Savage builds that are shooting smaller that your Stiller builds but that does not make the Savage better than the Stiller, how the action functions and fits together is what make the difference between the top end actions, Stiller's flat take some work to make them correct, all you need is a decent tube to make them shoot!
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