I can confirm that with the 617's. I have been looking locally and definitely nothing new in stock. And yea there's a million of the Ruger wrangler out there.As penance for creating thread drift, I called a friend in ranch country with a gun shop who always moved decent revolver numbers.
Said his last price for a 617 was near 900 and he only got the 6 inch in very limiter number in the last 6 months. Gp 100 was one of his consistent arrivals but even then they were over 800 but not by tons. Said that it had still been a few months since his last batch, but in his estimation ruger was most likely to get product out. Albeit he was waiting a while on a single ten for a customer, it would be under 800.
After that he said you pretty much are stuck with Taurus or the budget revolvers, Said ruger must have the capability to make a billion of the wrangler series as they out ran even the height of the panic.
His shop does decent numbers, I'd say his prices are usually just a tad under sportsmans (his closest big box store) so not exactly online store prices but not crazy either. Recommendation was hit up second hand locations, used prices have finally gone below new after the last 3 years of insanity. It's fairly unlikely you'll get a gp100 617 or single ten that's been worn out from use, but it's your best bet for under 800.
I will be looking for a used 617 this weekend and if nothing is out there I'll probably just go with a semi auto but S&W aren't in stock so Browning or Ruger.