COVID-19 Shutdown Projects

My wife has wanted me to work our flower beds since we moved in 3 years ago. The bushes looked fine, but it was grass or dirt and no divider to keep the yard separated. $300 and a day and a half later, I was impressed. It looks better than I was expecting and my wife was thrilled!
Nicely done!
Administrative leave from work due a nasty thumb injury wrestling a meth head and can't pass the requalification course to go back on the road ... But I have redone the fence around 16 acres. Reorganized my home gym. Built the most over engineered chicken coup I have ever seen, and done some serious yard work. That's in between physical therapy every day at home.... pretty sure I have been busier off work than the typical shift...
Thanks for being willing to stay on the beat with knuckleheads like that out there. I bet you'll be thrilled once you're able to get back out on the road!
My wife has taken up gopher killing....met me at the door the other day, grabbed me by the hand and said "come on, let's go check my traps" you've never seen such a proud husband


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I'm curious if any others have taken on any at-home projects while stuck at home?
My wife has been asking for me to tackle a big one for some time now, so here it is:
Post photos of yours too if you have them!
Sorry, mine uploaded out of order.
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Looks awesome!
I like your stain color choice!

The only difference between any other year and this Covidpocalypse era is that I'm not traveling. However I am still stuck with the project from Tartarus. It's a soul sucker.
No travel has given opportunity to build four rifles (all at various stages), gut and rebuild the bathroom (done), gut and rebuild the kitchen (50%), paint the house (80%) and continue work on two skunk work projects -- Bolty bull pup swtich barrel and a 338 suppressor that gets the muzzle report below 100dB (can't do squat about the sonic crack).
If'n I had more time, I'd rebuild the front axle on my FZJ80 and re-roof the house.

@jimbires - I know the worry. Decided to remodel the kitchen in February. Thought about supply chain logistics and got the cabinets on order ASAP. Was surprised how copper wiring based products went up almost 50% in during the months I had it down to the studs and was replumbing and rewiring. Fortunately, I already had 250' of 12/2 and 100' of 14/2.
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Never got a day off with the hole apocalyptic China virus. Never shut down operations or even slowed down, and I could use a few days off to get some stuff done in my shop. Only problem I've had is finding help with the extra money people are getting from uncle sam.
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