After a lot of hours on this computer, and....after researching the replies the order pretty much seems to be a Proof Research, 16 inch, mid length, 7 twist barrel (#101582) with a Sikkens Precision adjustable gas break (#SP-AGB-AR15). The gas break is in stock at Brownell's, the barrel is "supposed" to be in stock at Proof Research, will make the call tomorrow when the place is open. This is the best that I can come up with for what my son is looking for and for what he is going to use it for. I made this decision based upon the replies that were sent and what my son asked for. I had no idea about what an adjustable gas break was, or a "mid-length" barrel was or how any of this stuff worked. I cannot thank everyone again for their replies. Now hopefully what I am looking for is or will be in stock.