I'd be afraid to call Eric Cortina, he can shoot 5 shots through the same hole at 1000 yards. And he pulls practical April Fools jokes on people he knows, and he is from Texas. He may get mad that I'm not wanting to use his tuner brake, or I might ask him a dumb question......I'm still considering his tuner vs. all the others, and may go with his tuner, but I really don't feel he has the best brake solution for me that's out there, especially for .338 LM and above. Tiny brakes don't really do that well in the tests I just saw at:Eric Cortina is the answer, call him.
Muzzle Brakes and More
And, I actually might suggest to him that if he can make some brakes that will do what the 5 port beast and the T-4 are doing in those videos, and couple that with his tuner, he'd probably corner the market! Just IMHO, but he could make his new machine shop a custom shop to optimize Brakes, and Tuners, (selling his tuner of course) and making it all integrate well together. He seems like a very knowledgeable and creative lathe operator and machinist type. It should be a cinch. I did talk to Alamo Precision up in North Texas though because they are one of his sales and installation outlets. I may still try to work through them on whatever "Frankenstein" kind of Tuner- muzzle Brake install I dream up after I read all of the advice and ideas I get here on LRH.
I'm afraid to call ol Eric. He may put a pumpkin with dial indicators on the end of my muzzle and laugh about it when I pick it up.