muzzle brakes

What do you guys think about a muzzle brake that can be removed for hunting and replaced with a cap. It seems like the Vais would work well, but what about the others that have been mentioned. I understand that they have to be indexed. Is this a problem if they're installed and uninstalled? Do they eventually get out of index or time?
What do you guys think about a muzzle brake that can be removed for hunting and replaced with a cap. It seems like the Vais would work well, but what about the others that have been mentioned. I understand that they have to be indexed. Is this a problem if they're installed and uninstalled? Do they eventually get out of index or time?

In my first post I showed a picture of the Sako TRG type brake on my .338 Edge. It has a screw that locks the brake to the thread and there is an index mark on the underside of the barrel. So I could if I wish, take the brake off for cleaning or shooting without the brake (not that I would shoot without it) and then replace it back into its original position.
I have one of 308nate's V-port brakes and a threaded cap that can replace the brake if I choose not to use it. Seems to work good. This is on a 300RUM.
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