Colorado State Bans Presidential Canidate from 2024

I'm so over the j 6th thing. The dems have misconstrued and hyped that thing up so much it's retarded. Yall are going to call a bunch of unarmed citizens against an armed government an insurrection? Give me a break. What about that group of Hamas sympathizers that just did the same thing? Absolute silence from the liberal media. Its no different but everyone in politics is so stinking 2 faced its not even funny.

I don't necessarily like Trump either. I think he's a moron. Good policies, but a moron. However if it boils down to him or sleepy Joe, you better believe I'm not voting for the guy who can't even remember what he ate for breakfast that morning. I'll take my mean tweet and $2.00 gas.
I'm not sure what you think that shows. My nephews best friend is on DC Police. I'll believe his account of the day.
Do you think that if this was a Gay, BLM Rally the WH Police would have acted that way??????

I do not TRUST any government police force. Just look at how corrupt the FBI is and God can't even help you if you get on the NSA list.
We had an FBI LRH member and before I knew who he was FBI we became friends and we sent him "470" 105 gr Berger Hybrids when they where not available anywhere. He told me he was shooting PRS and is running out of bullets.
We agreed that no $$$ payment but when the 105s came back on the market he would buy some and send back to me.
We were just trying to be good and help him out. We did talk after that transaction, and he sent us symbol of his Unit "Bomb Disposal". It was really nice and proud that he would send to us.
Then crickets!!!
Never heard back from him, never received any replacement bullets and he canceled his LRH account.
I thought that he was one of the GOOD guys and fellow PRS Shooter. We all have bonds together in this community.
I guess that the FBI indoctrination got a hold of him and he threw away our friendship.
I'm so over the j 6th thing. The dems have misconstrued and hyped that thing up so much it's retarded. Yall are going to call a bunch of unarmed citizens against an armed government an insurrection? Give me a break. What about that group of Hamas sympathizers that just did the same thing? Absolute silence from the liberal media. Its no different but everyone in politics is so stinking 2 faced its not even funny.

I don't necessarily like Trump either. I think he's a moron. Good policies, but a moron. However if it boils down to him or sleepy Joe, you better believe I'm not voting for the guy who can't even remember what he ate for breakfast that morning. I'll take my mean tweet and $2.00 gas.
Personally I would not even waste my time voting. It's all in the bag. Just as the last 20 years of elections. They have spent Trillions in tax dollars to ensure it. Were you aware we have a company to ensure SECURE ELECTIONS ? Why do you think no one will ever be able to examine the machines ? National Security ! There's only a illusion you are using different manufacturers machines. Read this article. It tells you who bought who. All exposed in court.


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I grew up there in the 80's and 90's. It was a gem of a place to grow up there during that time. I moved out because of my career and wanted to move back for a while. Over time visiting my folks, I decided I would never move back there. That state is ruined. I think the tipping point was when they legalized dope. All the dopes (pun intended) moved there as soon as there was legalization.
I'm so over the j 6th thing. The dems have misconstrued and hyped that thing up so much it's retarded. Yall are going to call a bunch of unarmed citizens against an armed government an insurrection? Give me a break. What about that group of Hamas sympathizers that just did the same thing? Absolute silence from the liberal media. Its no different but everyone in politics is so stinking 2 faced its not even funny.

I don't necessarily like Trump either. I think he's a moron. Good policies, but a moron. However if it boils down to him or sleepy Joe, you better believe I'm not voting for the guy who can't even remember what he ate for breakfast that morning. I'll take my mean tweet and $2.00 gas.
Would you be over the J6 thing if you were the one sitting in jail for years on made up charges?
Would you be over the J6 thing if you were the one sitting in jail for years on made up charges?
I'm confused on your question. I was saying I was over it in the aspect of the way the democrats are portraying it and made out to be something it wasnt and something that could've been prevented if the police weren't in on it.
Would you be over the J6 thing if you were the one sitting in jail for years on made up charges?

I've seen the video's where the cops getting beat up. Also seen the video's of the police opening the doors and escorting people in.
I try to hear both sides of every argument but one side only let's us hear/see only what helps push their agendas. And that same side makes things up and lies alot more than the other.
Sorry op ,I know this thread was about Colorado being unconstitutional, but if we don't stand up soon. every state will be like California they already moved across the US and infiltrated our governments at local ,state and federal levels ,PLANNING and planting their ways.
God bless the united states of America

And don't forget that they refused the help offered for security from the then president at the time.
I'm confused on your question. I was saying I was over it in the aspect of the way the democrats are portraying it and made out to be something it wasnt and something that could've been prevented if the police weren't in on it.
I'm sorry I took it in the opposite way, but we can never forget them. These are communist tactics, and they are being made an example for the rest of us. I don't believe we could put enough pressure on our government until these people are released. My apologies to the OP as well.
My take on J6. If you think that measly protest was a threat to our country you have no brains. It was an allowed protest not an armed attack against the government. Had it been a real attack it could have been squashed in nothing flat.
We need to maintain the right to protest!!!