Case annealing

We tested salt bath annealed cases as well and while our numbers were considerably better they still were not as good as the other processes due to the variables mentioned above such as cooling due to large cases and dropping the temp, Once again " Consistency is the key"
Found the reason I destroyed all those Lapua and ADG 308 cases.
My son in law gave me that torch head and he used it to solder A/C lines for installations and had to have a torch with direct flame and not the broad torch head I was supposed to use.Also I used MAP gas and it burns hotter.Map with a broad flame torch head would do the job but not with a cutting torch head.I over heated the entire set of brass I was working with and it was my fault.
I just talked to him and figured it out.
Thanks for the help ButterBean cause without your help I wouldn't have figured it out
Found the reason I destroyed all those Lapua and ADG 308 cases.
My son in law gave me that torch head and he used it to solder A/C lines for installations and had to have a torch with direct flame and not the broad torch head I was supposed to use.Also I used MAP gas and it burns hotter.Map with a broad flame torch head would do the job but not with a cutting torch head.I over heated the entire set of brass I was working with and it was my fault.
I just talked to him and figured it out.
Thanks for the help ButterBean cause without your help I wouldn't have figured it out
I'm glad you figured it out , I have a video about ready to go
Thanks orkan I have one on order.

Butterbean thanks for the time it takes to post a video as I need to see the speed to turn the case,I was barely moving and that added to the problem I think.
Like the old saying seeing is believing.
Its cool man none taken. My screen name is messed up on the Site it should read WM5L not wm51 Im a radio nut as well as a gun nut. I make Electronic stuff all the time. The Case anneal machine I made was a combination of the two hobbies thrown together with some copying of others I saw in YouTube. I also like to play with BIG Diesel Engines and Harley Davidson Motorcycles. My next project is to make an Induction Anneal machine. Already got most of the parts scrounged up except for the timer
So will that be an induction annealer using a Detroit diesel engine to spin a generator and a pre-AMF shovelhead powering the case feed machinery? 😁
So will that be an induction annealer using a Detroit diesel engine to spin a generator and a pre-AMF shovelhead powering the case feed machinery? 😁
I got the Detroits covered, Straight 40wt in my 16v92 as far as the shovelhead Ill stay with the M8 114ci on the RGS
To all on the thread that replied Ill go back and reread all the replys, I got VERY busy at work and dont have time to mess with it right now.
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