He won for SCORE=Shooter not Group=Gun.
Pretty sad in all that wind we shot in last year he lost for group to someone shooting a peashooter! Even I won a HG relay for score, (shooting a light gun) and took I think it was 9th for group in that relay. (9 under 10" in 1 relay). It's the group win I'm looking for. Score is just easier.
PS, When most of the cars in Nascar were Fords and Chevys, most of the races were won by fords and checys. Some by pontiac, even a few recent championships. You'd be hard pressed to not have big cannons win something when everyone has one.
Now, in the heavy gun class, the small guns give something up, in the wind especially.
Do the math on how many people shot 6BR guns last year and won relays with them as opposed to RUM's by percentage of shooters to % wins. Favors the 6BR class.
The heavy class was won quite a lot with smaller rounds also, but it does not really apply to this forum as, that is not the type of gun most anyone on here would build to hunt with. (Except perhaps Darryl!). Your heavy gun is not real far from fitting the LG class so I'm not talking about them. I mean the ones that go to the bench on a trailer. You know, 2.5" 36" Bbl.